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1/9/2019 7:15:07 AM

Why Bungie? Just why?

Completely idiotic this riddle lockout system. I had hope for bungie. Forsaken was amazing, Black Armory WAS decent. I'll admit, was annoyed due to the high level cap, but once I was about 612 or so, first forge was doable and then everything else followed. Now it seems like we're doing a whole taken king -> destiny 2 again. Throwing out the lessons learned and tripping over their own feet. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to go or be sat in front of the forums until they get why it was one of the dumbest things ya could've done. I hope this is not a symptom of Activision being displeased with sales numbers and this is in some way designed for monetary purposes. I really hope Joker's Wild and Season of the Drifter is more polished in terms of releasing of content and in the availability of said content upon its release.

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