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originally posted in: Nerf the queenbreaker to death
12/2/2018 3:20:56 AM
If an invader gets 30 + kills in a match youre garbage regardless of the gun. The only way that can happen is if they delay killing Primeval and literally farm you. That would mean they got 18+ kills after your Primeval or they spawn wiped you with a super multiple times. Either way it means youre trash Get farmed. After QB nerf it will be Thunderlord, then Wavesplitter, then everything else

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  • I've seen people with 45 plus but they used supers and stuff and on either team. 30 isnt that insane. I mean if other guns had a time to shine then maybe itd open more chances for weapon balancing in crucible and gambit. Besides a gun should not have a sim assist hit box so great that you can shoot beside a wall and headshot someone around the corner

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  • Edited by Mara Sov’s Step Bro: 12/2/2018 4:02:01 AM
    Its insane because the only way you can get more than 4 kills in a single invasion is to get a multikill when you're at 3/4 kills. Either that or they would need 9 portals in a single round when average is 5. If they get 9 portals you're bad. If they miraculously get more than 4 kills in a single invade you're bad. Take away QBs aim assist and it becomes useless in PvE, PvP and Gambit. The only thing that sets it apart from a legendary Linear Fusion is a useless blind effect. Thats it. The reduced charge time comes at a drastic cost to impact, aim assist and scope zoom. It isnt even capable of killing an orange bar with a precision hit. The only reason its used in this one single instance is because of its ungodly aim assist. If its AA gets nerfed it needs to be made into a Special weapon and not a heavy because without the aim assist it can barely justify being an Exotic or Heavy. It also doesnt matter what you nerf. There will ALWAYS be a meta. Next it will be 1KV, then Thunderlord, then Wavesplitter. It never emds So rather than simply crying for pointless nerfs, start an open constructive discussion

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  • D1 queenbreaker never had ungodly aim assist like this, it was more like 3 heads by 3 heads instead of 5 or 6 by 5 or 6. It doesnt take much to make a gun different then the rest and there are a lot of exotics that are no better than legendaries, they mainly just look unique. Exotics should be no more powerful than any other gun in pvp, they just have their own unique traits such as healing on precision kills, blinding, etc and their unique looks but still have a sense of equality. So basically you load up a match and you see a guy with Cerberus +1 and you're like oh that gun looks neat if only I had it for pve since itd be better at killing bosses than my waking vigil. Or on the other hand oh the crimson heals on precision kills even tho it takes a few extra shots to kill, I tend to be near death after a gun fight itll help me recover faster but itll be bad in a 1v2 if both people are shooting you due to the more shots to kill or even a 1v1 if the other person shoots first. Instead right now all we got is oh that gun looks like trash but even tho I cant normally kill people with that weapon type, if I equip the queenbreaker I'll never miss so it diesnt matter

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  • It's not really a constant cycle of nerfs that is what is required, rather the game needs a balanced pvp system. Pve can have whatever nonsense weapon stats it wants, grinding is more related to pve so if you grand itd make more sense there. But like having 3-6 guns which is what everyone uses in a pvp environment is bad for the game. You wanna actually see variety and see how people use different weapons to suit themselves and be able to take people down instead of hopping into pve, spend a month grinding to get a specific gun just to be able to counter the other people who already have it in pvp then a new season releases with another "God gun" just to start the cycle all over. Weapons need more balance testing before pvp release.

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