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11/12/2018 4:47:07 PM

Light vs light gambit

While iv very much enjoyed gambit and working towards the dredgen title. Im at the point where it is no longer worth grinding for. I have every requirement for dredgen except the light vs light. Its rather annoying playing hundreds of games waiting for people to invade and after having all of my other requirements i still only have 2/10. I feel this requirement should be changed in some way that isnt so dependent on someone else using there super while invading since almost no one uses super while invading. If it was kill say 50/100 guardians with your super no matter if theres was active or not it might be a little more fun to grind for but playing 10 games and not seeing a single invader use there super is rather annoying. Seeing as how the only to kills on invaders with supers was in the first week after launch id say the triumph could use some tweeking. Anyone else have any thoughts?

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