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11/2/2018 1:04:06 AM

Let’s talk about linear fusions

Hey Bungie! Your little Sleeper Simulant “nerf” did absolutely nothing whatsoever c: I still regularly maintain 10+ Sleeper shots in Gambit after the patch, easily. Not only that but you didn’t even touch any other linear fusions in Gambit, such as Queenbreaker which is arguably more overpowered than Sleeper even is. So what are we going to do about this? Should we make it so trash mobs don’t drop heavy ammo in gambit? Remove the aim assist like we said we were going to do and then didn’t? Why not reduce the damage value against other guardians so they’re no longer a 1-hit anywhere kill guaranteed even in super? Maybe we can actually buff Malfeasance this time so people feel like it competes for that exotic slot. Maybe improve the range on Malfeasance and remove bloom on all hand cannons so they can be as consistent as they are on pc? How about you take the trash perks off of Bad Omens and Apex Predator so people don’t have to quit their jobs to grind linear fusion rifle nightmare hell to get a decent competitive heavy weapon? Because I’ve gotten about 30 Bad Omens and not one had tracking or cluster bombs at all. Or just rework the infamy point system, decrease the amount of points required because 15,000 is banana sandwich, and provide points on loss even on legend rank so people don’t feel like every single death to a Sleeper Simulant is so soul-crushing in the first place. Every match feels like eternity, and wasting your entire day making zero progress makes people want to uninstall and trade their game in.

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