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10/24/2018 10:18:05 PM

Glory Rank Suggestion

I've seen lots of people here on the forums talking about the glory rank system. If you carry a team to a loss, should you lose glory rank? In most cases I'd say yes, but I came up with a solution that might work. Feel free to comment if you can see people cheating/gaming this system. Implement a medal system in the competitive playlist. At the end of a match, award the top two players in the lobby with a gold and silver medal and make these two players immune to glory loss. The gold medalist would receive a bonus 10 glory, while the silver medalist would receive a bonus 5 glory. (10 or 5 points total if you are on the losing team) I don't think K/D should be the only factor in the rankings. I've seen people slaying in control and losing. Then I see that they had 0 captures and it makes perfect sense to me that they lost. I don't know how they should determine the final rankings, so I'd love to hear your thoughts.

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