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9/23/2018 8:17:26 PM

Don't Nerf One Eyed Mask.

I'm one of the lucky few to actually get this exotic and i believe its rare enough and requires much more skill than something like wormhusk, that it is perfect at the level it is, if you wan't Exotics to "Feel" Exotic then i believe One Eyed Mask is a perfect example of a powerful exotic that is in a perfect spot. :)

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  • I guess I kind of want to put in my two cents on this. I feel like it does need nerfed but nothing too major if anything just reduce the length of tracking. This exotic feels powerful because of how long the tracking works. Engaging someone with this exotic on is easy especially with Ace and a momento mori proc. Once you get vengeance it's a two headshot kill with ace (possibly a faster ttk than Luna's howl haven't timed it.) The major thing is you have such a long time to kill the marked target that it's easy to to do. Reducing the mark time makes it more of a mad dash to get the kill you need to proc it instead of being patient and finding a good time to strike or constant peeking. Before anyone says anything like "You're a warlock main" or "You're a hunter main" no honestly I don't main any class specifically I've put in a lot of time in all three classes. I've used most of the exotics from all three too. Hunters have Gwisin vest right now which is absolutely stupid considering spectral blades is pretty damn strong as it is and you get to practically extend it for a good majority of the match and chain kills. Warlocks don't really have an exotic per say that gives them a distinct advantage except maybe Chaos reach with Geomags even then iffy on whether I'd say that's broken in anything aside from gambit. One eyed doesn't buff your super but the class in general it gives you an overshield on kill of the marked target and the mark lasts roughly 15 seconds (From what I've timed in quickplay). Reducing this by half to 7 seconds would make it a lot less viable in the instance of marked kill rinse repeat because now you're rushing but still keeps this exotic at a pretty good strength. It'll feel good when you get the proc and be un-noticeable any other time. However if they don't nerf this exotic I do agree they should rework other exotics to bring them up to par. As for Warlocks having super strong abilities or exotics the only "strong" exotic I really see is the karnstein armlets and atomic breach combo long range melee plus a bonus explosive damage on top of health regen on kill pretty strong if you can use it correctly. Otherwise only good pvp centric warlock exotic imo is Ophidian Aspects basically giving all weapons quickdraw and snapshot sights plus faster reload but doesn't really buff the warlock just the weapons. In conclusion though I do believe One eyed deserves some kind of balancing just not the whole "nerf it to the ground" that everyone wants. It's strong currently because of the amount of use it's getting right now. Having an entire team of these in comp is absolute torture for the enemy team and being a person that's marked puts you constantly on edge about the possibility of getting shoulder charged or shotgun aped. It's a great exotic don't get me wrong I like the ideal behind it but it's currently up as an s-tier exotic with Gwisin Vest being it's only competitor in the tier list in my opinion. If anyone disagrees please make an intelligent argument as to why.

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  • "...if you wan't Exotics to 'Feel' exotic then i believe One Eyed Mask is a perfect example of a powerful exotic that is in a perfect spot..." First of all, exotics aren't made to be powerful, they're made to be unique with perks you wouldn't find on any other gear. So wanting exotics to feel exotic (which I'm guessing is supposed to mean powerful to you because all exotics already have unique perks), then that point is invalid. Now obviously some exotics have powerful perks, but again, that isn't what exotics are supposed to be. Second, One Eyed Mask basically has two exotic perks. It has the ability of instant health (plus over shield) on a kill and wall hacks on someone who has damaged you. Sounds a little too powerful if you ask me. If they got rid of one perk, I'd be okay with it. Preferably the instant health regen because the fact that they get it on pretty much every kill they get is too much. Either way is fine I guess. They don't even have to get rid of either, though, I would just want them to change how the instant health regen happens. They are able to get it even while in super right now which in turn makes them even more powerful every time they pop one. I believe gaining it on a headshot would work. Makes it take more skill to use so that they can't go shotgun ape and get an over shield. Note: Just in case someone for some reason thinks I was saying titans are actually "hacking" with the wall hacks, I wasn't serious. I just call it that as a joke. I had to say this because I know there's gonna be someone out there who doesn't understand the joke. Also, before some titan main replies saying, "Titans have the short end of the stick. They have nothing good right now. Let us have something for once." Don't pull that. You have an item that gives you your super. All you have to do is hold up your shield for two seconds while someone fires a bit at you and you'll almost have it back all the way. You also have two supers that can one shot a super (most of the time). Thunder crash will one shot a super every time and fist of havoc has the ability to one shot a super with the first slam that comes out of using it. (It's happened to me, maybe that's been changed or my health was down a little bit, but I swear it has happened to me) There's more examples I could give you but I don't want to drag this out anymore than I have so I'll stop here. Thanks for reading through the entire thing.

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  • I shoted two direct hits with my super as a gunslinger on a titan coming towards me on a straight line, and I know both shots either hit him or even headshoted him, and he still made it to me before i got him. If this is not OP AF, I honestly don't know what is.

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    2 Replies
    • Sure, don't nerf it, but then give Hunters and warlock an exotic EXACTLY like it and watch shit get real.

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      • I agree, don't nerf. Heaven forbid Titans get a decent exotic for a change. Besides, if you suck at PVP it still won't help you lol.

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        • I don’t think this should be nerfed we ask for things that make us feel powerful and this is one of them. This is what a extoic should be this is how an exotic I should feel. It is easy out playerable. All 3 class have really good exotics and super. I think more exotic should have this type of power. Don’t need thing just bring more exotic in line with this.

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        • 11
          well it’s been a few months and it’s still just as broken. OEM has a cool down of 6 seconds post kill and unlike wormhusk which only gave health back, this gives any half assed player tracking (longer than foetracer), full health regen, and a VERY noticeable damage increase. On console it’s bad enough but when i switched to PC it got even better when paired with skating. I’ve never gotten the exotic myself but i have used it on a friends account numerous times and every time i do it feels like i’m cheating. And before anyone says anything about “you have to win gunfights” even if you get shot you can go behind cover, wait and regen, and not only do you know where they are but if they rush you, you have the advantage because you can prefire due to the tracking. After winning that easy fight you are awarded with full health, an overshield, and bonus damage for doing something that anybody that plays crucible should be able to do. Wait 6 second and the cycle starts all over again leading to any competent player being near unkillable.

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        • Ofcourse it's overpowered. It needs a Nerf to atleast the overshield. It's ridiculous how people on this forum are calling it absolutely normal. Firstly : In a 1v1. If I have the one eyed mask, I know I have it on duh, so I'm gonna peak shot or trade with the person I'm battling. He damges me a bit and I do the same. But now I can freaking see him. So I can change my approach, see where he's running to. That's the first advantage. Secondly : there is no bloody 1v1. This isnt a tournament : it's quickplay or competitive. If I land my shots, you land a few, I can literally see where you are, so I'm gonna plan to kill you. Couple that with the fact that skating is a know issue on PC. So if I shotgun kill you. That buffs my damage against everyone else. So my overshield and damage now help me with the next fight. I can literally skate tank your shots and either shotgun or shoulder charge you. Or, I could just mark you again and plan preemptively. Lastly : This game is a shooter above anything else. And the mask literally says "shoot me if you dare". WTF you want me to do, emote?. Everything most of you "defenders" of the mask are saying "in a 1v1" but it affects the entire game, because you can chain it. Understand that potatoes will always be at a disadvantage against higher skilled players. But when the higher skilled players start using broken pieces like this, it kills the skill gap.

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          4 Replies
          • [quote]I'm one of the lucky few to actually get this exotic and i believe its rare enough and requires much more skill than something like wormhusk, that it is perfect at the level it is, if you wan't Exotics to "Feel" Exotic then i believe One Eyed Mask is a perfect example of a powerful exotic that is in a perfect spot. :)[/quote] Agreed!

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          • "much more skill than something like the wormhusk" (sigh) Wormhusk got a nerf that made it terrible on Crucible, and it wasn't even good in the first place. If Wormhusk gets a non-needed nerf, than this exotic NEEDS one. Not to be fully mean, but people like you either A. never seen a good player use it. Or B. you're a titan, and realize that it's overpowered if you know how to shoot people (really easy), and you want to defend with your life so y'all can keep on abusing it.

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            4 Replies
            • This exotic is a total joke, unbalance pvp to the bone... Need a nerf asap

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            • Nope. F this exotic. Nerf it to dust! May it be forgotten in the annals of history!

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              1 Reply
              • I don't even think it's bad. I'm a warlock main so I see this and I take out a shotgun and a handheld super Nova. Honestly I think it's just fine.

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              • Just like Wormhusk didn't deserve a nerf but got one anyways?

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                3 Replies
                • 100% agree, earlier in comp there was a titan rocking that, and I crushed him, because he didn't win 1v1s to get the shield

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                • Is this the titan exotic that grants an overshield and extra damage? I don’t care for the overshield but the damage has been pissing me off, its so annoying to shoot a titan who is about to die only for him to get an overshield and on top of that get increased damage making you completely powerless. Warlocks devour is somewhat similar but at least you don’t get extra damage

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                  • Why does it need a Nerf? I put down plenty of Titans with this annnnd they mark me. And then I kill them again because I know they're coming ;)

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                    5 Replies
                    • I agree. This exotic is great! But it’s not OP like people are saying. It doesn’t need a nerf. If anything should be changed, it should be the extra damage. I haven’t seen or used this Mask at all, but if people really wanna just cry about it, then only the damage buff should be nerfed. Everything should stay the same. Why? Because they’re Titans! They’re supposed to be tanking hits and be able to survive the longest and what not. The damage can go for all I care. Keep everything else. Honestly though, this exotic is fine. It’s actually one of the very few Titan exotics that are good in pvp. Everyone’s just so used to Titans having bad exotics that it makes this thing seem “OP,” even when it’s not. ^-^

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                      2 Replies
                      • An exotic which grants overshield consistently is OP, I’ve only come across a few with it and they dominated as it basically means 1v2 is now in their favour, or if you happen across them your basically at a major disadvantage and then just help them refresh the overshield. Health regen and tracking fine, overshield - no.

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                        8 Replies
                        • I completely agree with this post. Number 1: You have to get damaged by someone to mark them. Bare in mind, this can lead to an easy death. Because of the kill time, the moment someone starts shooting you first, you are most likely going to die. YOU HAVE TO EARN THE KILL FOR THE REWARD. Number 2: What people don't understand is that once you mark that person, you have to kill that marked person to activate the perks. Not just kill anyone. You have to IGNORE all the other enemies to kill that one person you marked. You have to hunt him down. Bare in mind also that this can lead to an easy death as you have to focus on that one enemy you marked, not everyone else. Number 3: There is a cooldown for the perks, so you can't just keep spamming them. Comparing this to Wormhusk......all you had to do was dodge every 20 seconds to get health regen and a bump to health. There is no comparison as Wormhusk rewarded players who just ran away where as the One Eyed Masked rewards those who actually get into the fight and win. If anyone wants to defend the Wormhusk here, I will be able to easily think of a counter point :D

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                          3 Replies
                          • Everyone saying it takes more skill than wormhusk but you must be that bad if you can't get kills and go on streaks. If you aren't absolute trash it's broken

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                          • If it does get a nerf, it better not be for at least 2 and a half months. Just like wormhusk

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                            3 Replies
                            • These types of posts draw even more attention to these exotics than actual nerf posts.

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                            • Nerfs need to stay as sandboxes for real. Pvp is the biggest contributor to nerfs. I play pvp a lot especially when content is dried out but don’t want to lose out on pve because I want a better crucible experience

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                            • People will cry to nerf this but not Sleeper. “There are counters to it... just git gud and don’t get shot or shoot at anyone!”

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                              • buff it , give it 2 more i's

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