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Edited by llK1LL3RD0GZll: 8/27/2018 1:23:55 PM
The raids aren't hard mechanic wise. Very basic with symbols, directions, and just thinking about what to do next in your head before you have to. People don't have time to go in and teach someone while dying time after time and taking hours to get through a normal raid. YouTube is a awesome tool my friend and if you are this far behind, I would watch a video over and over and over until you know the mechanics before going in. This way you won't even need to tell someone you haven't done it before, just go in and play normal and no one will notice. I have almost 100 sherpas which means I have helped almost 100 people complete a raid for the first time. Most people understand the mechanics, but can't handle the adds and die constantly as well. I have also seen people try to do the prestige raid after one normal completion. I bet the one normal completion was a struggle then they try to do a prestige?? It takes at least 5 completions to even understand the mechanics fully. Just do not try and blame the whole community on your lack of effort. Watch videos, find a fireteam who are willing to teach (which I have seen hundreds of groups post saying they don't mind to teach), or make your own post saying you haven't completed it but really want to and I've seen those posts fill up many times as well.

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  • Edited by More Power: 8/27/2018 3:09:01 PM
    The discovery, then learning, the soaking in the artwork, and experiencing the awe-inspiring brilliance of superb game design should be enough to make people not want a super massive game spoiler like YouTube. Imagine wanting to watch your favorite movie for the first time, but before you can see it, you must spend hours watching a team of couch potatoes walk you through it because you're too stupid to understand it on your own.... Sound like good game design to you?

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  • I get what you are saying, I like learning and seeing things for the first time while I am playing it. Although, I am a quick learner and skilled player and I can compete with almost anyone when it comes to PvE so it is completely different when it comes to me and some kid who plays a hour or so a week and wants to do a raid. I got clanmates who would much rather take me into a raid with 0 clears than take someone else with 5 clears because after the 5 minutes it takes me to learn the encounter, I am going to be much more of a contributor.

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  • Edited by llK1LL3RD0GZll: 8/27/2018 3:12:06 PM
    So your saying going into a raid with 0 experience making your team take hours longer than it should is worth not watching a video so you can take in the artwork? Lol. Okay.

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  • Someone who has played D1/D2 for thousands of hours shouldn't need a super massive spoiler.

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  • So after some research, you have played about 3500 more hours of destiny 1 than I have. In those hours, you have completed 194 less raids than me and I even quit before The Taken King came out. Ihave completed almost 300 D2 raids, while you haven't completed any. You may have put in thousands of hours but strikes, wondering around planets, and not doing very well in the crucible doesn't necessarily mean you should be trusted to just go into a raid and be able to pick things up very quick because that doesn't necessarily seem to be the case. Letting someone go into a raid to admire artwork when it's going to take hours and hours longer just doesn't seem like it's worth it when I could knowingly take it people who at least already know the mechanics.

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  • Edited by More Power: 8/27/2018 4:15:33 PM
    [quote]So after some research, [/quote] I completed HM/Challenge Mode Vog, Crota and King's Fall without watching a single video. I've even led my share of raids. Got all of the VoG guns/gear (except for the Foil dammit), every single Crota gun and piece of gear and every single gun and piece of gear from KF. I even have all of the legendary Trials guns. Touch of Malice and the Spindle? You betcha. Not bad for someone on social security. I imagine the stats you mentioned didn't include deleted characters. I play mostly to stay connected with family. And, I will never be too old to appreciate the artwork and game design. Having the game spoiled and hurrying through is a rather shallow minded endeavor. Bungie shouldn't design a raid that requires spoiling it first with a video. That's why there are no raid completions for D2. And, you're right, I'm pretty mediocre at PvP, still positive though...

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  • D1 raids were easier because they did not require a full fireteam to finish an encounter. Now we have tokens and revive timers so it makes having one bad person much more of a challenge instead of just leaving the dead guy alone (not saying you are bad) ..I have taken multiple people into Crota and solod the boss as they spectated. No way to do that in these raids. They made D2 so you need a more rounded team and different characters for different reasons. Teaching people in D1 was easier too and you could spectate after you died and literally watch someone do the activity (same as watching a video). In D1, I was also in college and had free time in the evenings after football practice. Now with a full time job, family and friends, I just don't have the time to constantly be teaching. I taught alot at first, but almost a year after release, I shouldn't have to teach the Leviathan anymore.

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  • [quote]I shouldn't have to teach the Leviathan anymore.[/quote] You are 100% correct. At this point in D1, we were basically 3-manning HM Crota, and taking noobs through (so they could get the Flawless Raider achievement). So much fun... Stand here, shoot that, don't die. The one and only time I was ever in a Leviathan raid, I was invited in part way through. After literally 15 minutes of instruction, just for me, I chuckled to myself, thinking my gosh how does anyone remember the 35 steps. After some number of wipes I bowed out (I was good up to about step 10), saying I was holding the team back (I could hear the sighs). No invites since. Now, given my history, is this bad game design or is it all on me?

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  • A little bit of both. It's hard to make a game mode that is made for 6 people, takes 6 people to complete, but also is fun. D1 raids were fun, but they didn't need 6 people. Nobody should go into a 6 person event and need only a few to complete it.

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  • I'm not blaming the whole community. Iv had some people genuinely interested in teaching me and send me the vids. But iv had messages from people who want money to do it, same for trials, glory points,;whisper quest. Ya know that's a pretty shit half of the community. I'm not calling out the whole community a lot are good fun and helpful. Some are real jerks who act really bad if you don't know something. And the worst want a paycheck which is just absurd and i cannot understand how bungie are ok woth that

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  • Bungie says they ban people for that, but actually carrying someone in trials isn't fun at all and I've helped probably 100 people get their whisper and whisper catalyst. I've seen about 100 posts saying free whisper carries within the past month.

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  • Since my first oost about raids ect. Now this one coz i want to meet likeminded poeple too who also would benifit doing conpeting tere first raid, Iv already had quite a few messages in last few days for cash carries. At rediculous pricing may I add. Iv seen the worm free carries yea. Aslo had messages for guaranteed I'm the best 50 dollers, the claymore ones are best they ask for so much.

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  • It's because they have people out there paying them to do these. People do not want to do anything themselves and the dollar is almighty so they'll pay to get it get instead of never being able to do it themselves. If people would put as much time into doing it themselves instead of working for the money and paying other people, they'd be just as good as the people they pay. Until Bungie finds some way to shut it down, or people start doing it themselves, there will be paid carries.

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