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Edited by Judge Artyom: 8/14/2018 6:19:05 AM

Competitive Crucible is terrible, and the grind for Redrix and other endeavors will not be worth it in its current state.

Comp Crucible is horrible in every single regard. The two game modes, Elimination and Countdown are not well balanced for the maps they're placed on. - As a Guardian Rank you can be paired against a Fabled rank or higher because nobody plays except people desperate for Redrix's or people who already have it who either want rank 5 or want to Gatekeep lower ranked players from getting it. - Solo play is a mess, because you can get paired against a 4 Group and get stomped, or have players who have no idea what crucible even is and either walk around clueless or completely screw things up by being too hasty, such as rushing the enemy in a teamshoot environment or placing the charge as soon as you get to it. - LFG groups are either completely toxic or are too high rank for a player to improve, such as getting stomped for being a Guardian or Brave rank. - Your wins can be completely scrubbed out due to bad matches, and with the loss streak mechanic, punishes Solo players for things out of their reach. Getting a 5 win streak only for it all to be dismantled and more due to incompetent players or DDoSing shows how flawed the entire glory system is. - MIDA Multi-Tool's Catalyst, while practically useless, is probably the rarest in the game just because of the hilariously low drop rate. Even then, it's not worth the farm with its horrible TTK and how useless Outlaw is to a weapon that reloads insanely fast in the first place. - Due to the current horrible meta of Graviton Lance and Vigilance wing, it bars entry because of, yet again, catalysts. Vigilance Wing's catalyst makes it shine brighter than Graviton in most situations, and the upgrade of Hidden Hand gives Graviton Lance an insane edge. - Low-Rank players can access Competitive Immediately, which should never happen. Solo players or 2/3 stacks can be completely hindered due to a low level joining Competitive Games. I had multiple level 15-19 players going into Competitive. Only 1 was actually competent. - Since there are no rungs to this ladder, you can lose your rank entirely due to bad Matchmaking or Bad teammates. Yet again, another hinderance to Solo/LFG players, making a terrible grind. Some improvements that can be implemented: - Solo Players lose less points on a loss. This should compensate for the lack of communication. - Personal performance should be calculated in. Yes, this is a team gamemode. But if you do extremely well and your teammates fail you, say your teammates choke out a 5-0 and you were hard carrying them, it should take into account your high score/efficiency and cushion the blow. - Ladder Rungs. When you get to a rank, you cannot drop below it. If you get to Brave Rank, you should never be able to drop below 200 points. This will make it so that if you get a horrendous loss streak, you wouldn't be unfairly beaten back down and this will make DDoSing and purposeful Deranking less effective. - Rank needs to be the number one factor above all else. I'd rather have a player a little laggy on my rank than a higher ranked player with Flawless connection. - Wins against higher ranks will give more points, less lost for losing against them. If you face a Legend rank team as a Guardian, the point boon should be insanely large if you win. If you lose, you should lose next to nothing due to the massive skill gap. This should never happen, in theory, but if it ever did this needs to be implemented. - Certain maps be banned from the playlist or reworked. Some maps are too close quarters for Countdown and some maps are just not balanced for team fights with the high amount of corridors. - Show the Glory rank of each player in the match. This will make it so that you can see whenever you have the cards stacked against you, or to show off. - Double Glory events. These should be far and few between, but being able to re-populate Competitive for a short period of time should help things. - Separating Controller and M&K users on PC. GTA V does this and even shows what they're using. Hidden Hand, which is a perk for Aim Assist, doesn't work on PC, and allows an edge to Controller players because of Aim assist. Seperating them makes it so that PC players don't get killed due to a mechanic that doesn't belong on the PC platform.

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  • Agree 100%. I think they should fix Competitive, then offer the Redrix again. This time, I'd like to see more than 1 way of getting it. There could be a grind, and then there could be a list of skill-based challenges to perform in competitive crucible that award the redrix upon completion of the final one. As for the ornament, I think that you should have to do whatever you didn't do to get the Redrix. Say you get your Redrix via getting to Rank 3 Glory, you'd get the ornament from completing all of the challenges. Get the Redrix from the challenges, and you get the ornament via reaching Rank 3.

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  • Get a team, get better, ez rederix.

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    1 Reply
    • Agree with everything EXCEPT...... do you ACTUALLY say that controller has an advantage over PC bc of aim assist?????? You cannot be serious. As a console player, I understand that we stand almost ZERO chance against M&K, period.

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    • I don't enjoy crucible at all. I appreciate that this solstice thing allows people without DLC to max out power but the crucible is by far the least enjoyable. People with double my power level are one shotting me (I don't think we should even be put in the same match, I'm so outranked), my grenades don't even bust their shield... And I think you should get a small window of invulnerability when respawning so you don't get killed without a chance to move.

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      3 Replies
      • Competitive is cancer thanks to arcstrider lance and husk tryhards. But I guess that where the meta really matters

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        • Keep getting ddos'd by punks that are not good enough to get the gun the legit way.

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        • Of course it's horrible. Took me over 600 solo comp games since Warmind launched to figure it out. Maintained a positive kd yet I.managed to get to barely 1200 glory. I gave up. Not a bad decision.

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          • competitive is definitely an uncompelling experience right now really obvious stuff that is just never changed

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          • I can tell you Redrix could one shot Callus and I would never grind for it ever. Crucible sucks with the state it is in, just ask Trials of the Nine which is about to be cancelled (thank you and finally...) It isn't the format, it's the pure lack of anything interesting. I mean, you pick all of maybe 7 total weapons of the hundreds listed or you are setting yourself back, and you ignore probably 90% of the mods you can put on your armor. When sandbox makes a change, it's after someone's infants graduated college, about that long. In other words, by the time they make a change, even if it was a good one, nobody cares. The core is broke on Crucible and that is not getting fixed. So, Forsaken promise all you want Bungie, we know certain things just aren't getting better no matter what you do. Like Crucible.

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          • First, you started WAAAAYYYYY late in the game my friend. Way late. Many people have already gotten redrix or have realized that half a month isn't really enough time for them to start trying. -You play on PC so the player basis is already lower than on consoles - No one "Gatekeeps", no one goes into comp in the sheer hope that they run into lower rank players and stop them from getting redrix, and if there is, there is a tiny, tiny minority. - Solo play is a great idea when lower ranks (below 1200) because you know that the people you will be pared against will mostly be at your glory rank. (there are of course exceptions) - LFG groups are a risky buisness, if you are as good as them it can be beneficial, but if you are worse than them then they might be upset when you also have poor plays. - Your wins are supposed to be scrubbed due to bad matches, that's called LIFE. You can't expect to win every single match. DDoSing is an issue, but in the 150 games I played to get redrix, I was only DDoSed once, and while I wish Bungie would get dedicated servers already, it's not a huge reason comp is "terrible" -If you want redrix you're going to have to fight fire with fire (ie. graviton or vigilance), And I'll also say that the graviton catalyst doesn't change much. It doesn't feel crazy better after it, it's only slightly noticable, and I completed redrix without it. -I guess comp should be gated for lvl 20 guardians or higher, but most of my teammates below lvl 20 were extra characters, they knew what they were doing even with non-meta gear. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -I like the solo players lose less points idea -Personal contribution should not be taken into account, as you said it's a team game mode. I assume you don't stick with your teammates cause you think they are bad. Use them as bait, let them distract while you clean up if you truly are "carrying" -I'm on board with the no dropping out of your current rank. -Rank is the primary matchmaking feature, again you are playing on PC and very late in the game so the amount of people to choose from is very low. So it's either not play, or play against a wider rank pool. - maps are not the issue. - I'm down with seeing each players glory rank (I just look it up on destiny tracker, but in game would be nice as well). -A double weekend once a season might not be too crazy, but understand that redrix is not supposed to be easy to obtain, it is a reward worthy of it's challenge. Someone could easily just wait until the double weekend and get it in one go if they're good enough, I went up 600 glory in one day (18 win streak), imagine if that was doubled, In one day I would be more than half way to redrix. I realize that is a rare case, but it would still make the item a lot easier to obtain. -The M&K vs Controller debate is really dumb imo, both have their strengths and weaknesses. Aim assist vs no recoil is a fair trade, and it is universally known that M&K is the best to use because it has a higher skill ceiling allowing you to outplay most people on controller. In conclusion based on your match history, you are usually in the same skill bracket as your team, with one or two games being an exception. If you really wanted redrix and cared about comp, you would have started the grind (that's what it is, a grind) months ago or at least on July 17th when comp got much better.

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            7 Replies
            • Bump. I did a post a couple of days ago regarding this subject. Thank you for adding ideas I didnt put in due to not thinking of it or too heated about putting.

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            • That's too much thinking for Bungie

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            • Yeah the current state of Competitive is horrible. Getting the Claymore is pretty much only possible when you're running stacked, which shouldn't be the case.

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