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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Juno: 7/28/2018 5:07:34 AM

“Why are you so excited for them to sell the grimoire back to us after they removed it”

This is something the community has been asking for, something [i]I[/i] have been asking for, since day one. And if you don’t want to buy it, that’s fine. It’s not needed to play Destiny, so there isn’t any real reason to whine about it, you can still find the Grimoire online on several websites. I mean, is it really that unreasonable to have a physical copy of all of the Destiny lore for you to read whenever you wanted? Yeah sure, it would be nice to read with the app every once in a while, but I would much rather read it out of a book. Not to mention the app/website will go down for maintenance periodically, and eventually down for good, (Hopefully not anytime soon.) Take the Creature Bios from Ark Survival Evolved for example. You can find all of these in game, with their art, all the information about them, etc. And you can view each one that you find whenever you want. But I’m not going to go start up my Xbox and TV, get my annoyingly uncomfortable chair set up, start up the game, wait for it to load, and go to the lore tab just to do a bit of reading. No, for that purpose, the book that came with the limited edition is something I’d use instead. All those stories and amazing art pieces are in one neat, organized space. No fiddling with games or apps or whatever. And as long as you take care of it, it will most likely last forever. I mean, come on, I’m sure I don’t need to list every single advantage a book has over it’s electronic counterpart. Point is, you all are completely misunderstanding the release of a Grimoire book. Should Bungie have kept the lore on the website? Yes, they should have. Is this a cash grab? No, it really isn’t. This is something that [i]we[/i] asked for. [b]Edit:[/b] People seem to be forgetting that Bungie is adding [b][u][i]AN IN GAME LORE TAB FOR ALL TO USE[/i][/u][/b] this September. [b]Edit 2:[/b] Since you numbskulls seem to think that I’m assuming they took the lore out of Destiny 1 the game, I’m referring to the Grimoire that was [b]on the site.[/b]

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  • The grimiore wasn't even in the game to begin with. The tabs and collectibles were there, sure, but the actual lore was on the website. They're selling that plus art aswell. And anyone complaining about that should message famous authors and tell them to just upload their book for free as a pdf online, see how far that'll get you. The book bungie is releasing is a collection of stories; the lore of destiny. Do i want the lore content to be in the game aswell? [b][i][u]Of Course I do[/u][/i][/b]. However, not everything can be put into a game such as these lore tabs (we're getting one in september anyways). Other lore rich games express this lore mostly through their characters and what they say/do with the exception of something like skyrim where the books are literally there for the player to read. What people need to be aware of is that criticising bungie for the creation of this book isn't going to tell them anything. Criticise them for things like expressing the lore through characters, as mentioned above, as well as other points that'll actually help the game.

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