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7/13/2018 5:57:58 PM

Sanguine Alchemy: No Wait Keep the Bug

When people found out that Sanguine Alchemy, a warlock chestpiece that allowed you to mark targets in a fairly small range, and was a straight up worse option for pvp AND pve in all situations, had a secret gimmick that allowed orb drops upon kills with 3+ people in the rift, people were excited. Now, I haven't seen too many people use sanguine, with it still ultimately being a niche exotic, but I really do like the idea that if you and your friends can huddle up on a rift and get some kills, you get orbs of light. Does it sound really cheap? Sure. Can you, as the opponent, just kill all of them with a grenade? Definitely. It has its own pros and cons, but removing the bug that allowed orb drops makes it so I'll never use it except if I want to be extra sweaty in competitive. And I rarely want to be extra sweaty.

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