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6/28/2018 12:42:43 PM
The way I see it; the factions from d1 have been replaced by planetary vendors, and factions brought in to d2 as a more iron banner type event... to create a bit more excitement when it comes around; no problem with that! However, the event itself could do with some love! Firstly, I do not see the point in faction gear... it's all stuff originally in the game, tweaked slightly to be more 'factiony'. Why not just have ornaments only; with updates season 1, 2 etc... but (and this can work for all ornaments) have them available to any piece of gear!!! E.g. having Phoenix strife gear with FWC aesthetics!! We can keep the progression system, and retain event exclusive weapons! Secondly, the rng/loot pool is (currently) not good enough; all the gear needs to be in the loot pool (not split over events), and have a better chance to drop new gear!

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