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Edited by Talia Sendua: 6/22/2018 8:14:52 PM

The curse of Redrix Claymore, why I hate the competitive Playlist and will never get the gun in this Season.

Hi! I think that many of you have seen such posts often since the ranklist was implemented. The hurtfull truth is... It isn't even a ranklist. If it would be a ranklist, we would get matched against players via K/D or depending on their skill rating. But that isn't the case. It isn't even a fair experience. Let me start from the very first begining. As Bungie was live on stream and told us that the ranklist is now finally ready for the live servers, I was happy and excited, because I expected that it would be on the same Level like ranklist in Overwatch is right now (skillrating for matchmaking, SR Points depending on your own skill). But this nice looking picture got destroyed by the sledgehammer of life and now we are here... The DLC with the ranklist dropped at 8.5.2018. Today (in europe) it is the 22.6.2018. We are now 6 weeks in S3 and ca. 1,3% of the Overall playerbase has the Redrix Claymore achieved. [url=]Data Source[/url] Former expectation was, that 40% of the playerbase would be able to achieve the gun. Won't happen in this Season. And the reasons are clear: [quote]-Solo players getting matched against full 4-stack teams in the crucible -Graviton/Vigilance Meta is frustrating -Lose streaks ruins the entire comp playlist -The matchmaking matching us around connection and slightly around k/d and not around our Glory Points -Games feel to much like predicted on win rate, not on personal skill -The PvP Playerbase on specific platforms and gamemodes is so low, that silver elo players like me get matched with Top 25 Player[b]* [/b]-Arcstrider Hunters with life-regen dodge spam dominating entire matches flawless[/quote] So at all, we can say that competitive is for the most (and all solo players) an unfair, frustrating and demotivating experience. Also, many people have disconnects from the game, even before the match started. It happens sometimes that entire teams losing their connection to the lobby after the matchmaker stopped the matchmaking routine. Like I said in the table above, some People (like me unhappily) getting matched sometimes with 4-stacks which including Top 500 Players from Diamond/Master Elo like Papa Koolaid from Xbox One. [quote][b]*[/b]I played today one match ranked and I got matched against extremely better people. Here are the named, track their Stats on and you will see how unfair the elo placements are Enemy Team: Papa Koolaid Osiris BNG Deloach Slo Hands My team: Talia Sendua (my profile) Select Item Killem is okk MediocreRex3376 Was nice to get stomped with 1 Team kill while the enemy team killed us 33 times in a row...[/quote] And at the end, we have also the numbers the glory point wins... I don't have complete Sheets about my glory losts and wins but I can say that I made a win of -40 glory 2 days ago, -30 yesterday and today I started with 303 glory and fell down to 198 glory points (after all Matches I played at those days). Tl;dr: With all this Problems the competitive playlist has, People like me will never have a Chance of 1% to get to rank 3 for the redrix Claymore. [i]AND MOST IMPORTANT BUNGIE: I DON'T WANT THE GUN BECAUSE OF THE PERKS. I WANT IT BECAUSE IT HAS A D1 GUN MODEL! 90% OF ALL GUN MODELS IN D2 ARE IN MY OPINION DISGUSTING UGLY!!! [/i] That's all I have to say. I wish you all a nice day and fun in any Destiny game.

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