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6/2/2018 8:17:35 AM

Destiny 2: The Dumbening (big rant)

Headnote: This is a message aimed at Bungie so anyone commenting on this may not get a reply from me, but feel free to critique, or add your two cents if need be. All are welcome, no matter how negative, positive or otherwise. TL;DR: after all those 'Destiny killers' it seems that it turned out to be Bungie...... Soooo, is the upcoming Faction Rallies another way to increase play time in game so your 'data' looks good? •When did the community ask for this & why did you think placing more restrictions on an already disgruntled player base was a good idea? The community wants '[b]freedom of choice[/b]', not more restrictions! But time and time again you've proven that you don't care about your community (XP throttling, time gate loot chests, casino Eververse, etc...) •Games-as-a-service or Live games live and die by their community. No amount of marketing hype can overpower word of mouth. Nothing is more powerful then the internet (how many times has it caught you out?, and also, why did you 'hide' the forums in the 'more' section? Seems a bit suss to me) •[b]Any[/b] game developer that has monetized loot boxes in their games cares more about their bottom line then they do about their community. (Convert casino Eververse into storefront Eververse {1100 silver bundles can f... right off for being an absolute rip-off} and I might believe otherwise, because in casinos, [u]the house always wins[/u]. •Do you understand why the Salt keeps getting piled up or is your ignorance/arrogance denying you the reality of the situation? (Digital Extremes {Warframe} is a great example of Devs showing their community respect). •TURN UP YOUR F...ING HEARING AIDS BECAUSE I DON'T BELIEVE YOU ARE LISTENING!!! •You killed off Saint-14 instead of expanding his story. •You reduced Brother Vance into an annoying fanboy •Ana Bray was [b]confirmed to be dead[/b], or did Lakshmi-2 lie to us about Ana Bray's Second Death? •Osiris & Ana Bray not mentioning [b]anything[/b] about losing and then regaining their Light. •Why should we care about your Lore when you clearly don't. •You gave us kid friendly/idiot proof (read:Mark Noseworthy) subclasses when the community didn't ask for them and you can f... right off with your PR bull fecal matter. I would of preferred the original style subclasses, but have each perk actively buff or nerf itself depending on what combination you were running so as not to have a subclass ruined when 'balancing' (Sunsinger Viking Funeral build anyone?). We are no longer tied to last-gen boat anchors, so why not utilize that extra grunt Current-Gen & PC offer? •A pathetic loadout system. (I've nicknamed it [u]Plinkton & Boom[/u], because the weak primaries [u]Plink[/u] away the enemies health, which you have to shoot a [u]ton[/u] of bullets into and [u]Boom[/u] because cluster bomb rocket launchers are too handy not to use). [b]I would prefer a four weapon loadout system so the dual primaries can keep PvP 'balanced' while bringing back Secondary and Heavy would give PvE a much needed power boost.[/b] All you need to do is vary how much Secondary ammo is available to keep the game balanced. (I recommend Secondary ammo bricks to be Blue to match the rest of Destiny's colour scheme. Maybe add an Exotic Yellow brick that acts like 'rally the flag'). •Taking away and then giving us back our loot and expecting us to be grateful. I would have of preferred any returning Exotics to have some kind of quest associated with it (perfect opportunity to bring back Eva Levante {and Chroma} with an offsider who could remake the returning armour instead of it just being back. [b]Not happy about Graviton Forfeit making a return [i]with a different Exotic Perk[/i][/b]. Why not a slightly different design and an introduction of the 'Graviton' family of Exotics specializing in Void based Equipment? Or, how about Exotics using D1 subclass perks as its exotic perk? ridiculous!!! (but anything tied to a Foundry I'm more than happy for them to be back due to it making sense Lore-wise because only the Tower was blown up and not the Foundries). •4v4 PvP with a stupid ttk. •Bull fecal matter slow recharge rates (D1 we knew what our recharge rates were and could tailor our built to suit, now its 'get the stop watch out and time it') •Static rolls to make [b]your[/b] job easier, but it made the game boring. Random Rolls were more than just a 'grind'. You kept the weapon because it suited your play style (a positive), where as now we keep guns because of that one perk making that gun the best of its archetype regardless if we like it or not (a negative). Personally I prefer Call To Serve (look and sound), but I use Nameless Midnight because of Explosive Rounds (PvE). I prefer Positive Outlook (look) but use Uriel's Gift (PvP). Plus each weapon had a PvE [b]&[/b] a PvP 'god roll'. Random Rolls also allowed for FUN guns eg: Hero Day Formula (Mida archetype scout) was a gun I considered trash until I got a Fatebringer roll and it became my all-time favourite gun. It never became my main Primary, but HDF paired with Small Arms Modifier, damn was it fun. It felt like a Last Word on Steroids. •In D1 we could replay ANY story mission and choose the difficulty. Now we are stuck with the Sookie Warlock's Meditations. (I used to respect {& 'fear'} Ikora, now she just annoys me) •We could replay any Strike and choose difficulty. •We could choose what PvP game mode we wanted to play. •Our Sparrows could do flips (DB onwards), plus Sparrow Horns...... •SRL •Patrol Beacons provided random patrols, now every Patrol Beacon is static. •Three part Mystery Patrols •The Dreadnaught had Cabal keys & Hive runes to give another type of patrol, plus the Agonarch Rune was awesome. The first time I did one, I was playing solo, I didn't know what to expect and when the screen said 'if you wish to suffer, this is the place to do so’ (or something along those lines) I knew something big was about to go down and I was not disappointed. From that point on when ever I had a charged Agonarch Rune I made a bee line to the Founts because I knew some fun was about to go down. •It should be 'the harder the Endgame, the better the weaponry'. Your game isn't a 'traditional' game where you pay to access everything, it's a game where you pay for the privilege to play and if you are not good enough to earn the rewards, you do not deserve to get the rewards. I was never good enough to go flawless in Trials, so I didn't deserve the Adept versions, even though a DoP Adept would melt me, I never complained because (paid carries aside because you never did anything to prevent it) the Guardian rocking an Adept ToO gun deserved to use that gun. {You can f... off with your D2 'participation medals'} •D1 was a game that kept me from playing other games because the weekly reset would always drag me back (I'm still yet to finish Witcher 3), but D2 is a game I have to convince myself to play. In D1 I never cared if I was running solo, but now, if no friends are playing, I ain't playing. Instead I will be playing Skyrim (yeah, the 7yr old game {that I've beaten twice previously} and maybe I'll even end up finishing Witcher 3). •[b]You are not Halo Bungie, you haven't been Halo Bungie ever since D1 vanilla so stop trying to force Destiny to be Halo.[/b] Destiny's PvP being 6v6 (standard/Iron Banner) or 3v3 (Trials) in D1 gave it it's unique feel. Now with 4v4 it feels too generic (Iron Banner returning to 6v6 was a good move.....chaotic, but welcome). •Our Supers, melee ability and grenades are Destiny's [b]signature[/b] so why nerf/restrict them? Mayhem PvP and Daybreak Nightfalls were awesome (although I wouldn't mind if it only affected our Supers to stop 'nade spamming in PvP). There is a huge difference between a fun challenge (burns) and a frustrating challenge (blackout). •There is more I could say but instead I'll leave you with these words of wisdom: [b][i][u]Familiarity breeds Contempt[/u][/i][/b] [b][i][u]Variety is the Spice of Life[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]as Alestorm once said: F... you, you're a w..ker, we're gunna punch right you in the balls, F... you with a anchor, y'all all c...s so f... you all[/spoiler]

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