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5/29/2018 6:37:33 PM

Armour Set Bonuses

Pretty sure this has already been suggested probably around a million times but please bungie can we please have armour set bonuses. My armour is basically cosmetic, which may look nice and all but it would be so much better if it offered some actual functionality. And yes ive heard the lame arguments about how people would feel forced into wearing the full set to get the bonus, thereby making either exotics pointless or the gear sets themselves pointless if one chooses to use a armour slot for an exotic. Now as already stated this is a terrible argument and as developers im sure you already know that, as most other games seem to manage by having the set bonuses tied to how many particular pieces someone might choose to wear be it 2, 3, 4 or full set 5 this would of course still allow for maximum player flexibility in how the wish to build their character and still have the use of exotics should they so wish. Thanks in advance as I'm sure you get this implemented by next Tuesday. D.

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