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5/23/2018 3:16:14 AM

Character Building and Emotes and a Very Simple Ask.

(Not sure where else to put this aside from the gear category so...) Being honest, I fricken love this game. Yeah there's some story telling issues and some weird power dynamics, but I've utterly fallen (lol) for the grimoire. I've never read anything more purely unique and fantastical than the Book of Sorrows. Bungie's placed us in such a grand world, and given us so much to work off of, and I personally believe that they want us to run with it - make it our own. The fan fiction for this game is incredible, there's just so MUCH to use. I've been working on my own headcanons for my Nightstalker since Taken King. Not sure of his name yet (its just too hard to pick), but my Exo's the quiet, stoic type (been rebooted 30ish times so that kinda explains it). He always has a helmet on. And always has his knife ready. His guard is always up. Kind of inspired by [url=]Lord Gheleon[/url]. Where am I going with this? Well, I was absolutely thrilled to see all the different ways the classes would be put into their own roles at release. With class abilities, more class-unique armours, etc. But, I want my Hunter to sit down like how a Titan sits down. I want to kneel down on the edge of a cliff and watch pikes glide through the Winding Cove with The Persuader on my back. I see how Hunter's would sit down all relaxed like how they do... I get it. But... there can't possibly be a single canon way to [i]sit down[/i]. I thought the new multi-emote system with Warmind could finally help me get my character in game kneeling down like the serious, watchful protector he's supposed to be. But nah... class-specific emote collections instead. I totally see why Bungie wouldn't think this is important, but seriously it's small things like this that'd make me (and some [url=]other people too[/url]) really get into this game - just like how Bungie should want. I haven't met a player online who doesn't have some kind of additional story to their guardian. We were revived in the Cosmodrome nameless, and with a nameless floating companion. And soon became literal god-slayers. Legends. There's no way we're not meant to craft our own stories in this game. All I'm asking is for Bungie to do their part in helping us as much as possible with that. Emotes are made so our guardians can express themselves, but not all of us want to dance all the time. This is just one small way that you can get people more invested in your game. But honestly, it'll help so fricken much. I legit wrote this unnecessarily long post just to show how much I care for this game and my Hunter. I really hope that gets through.

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