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Edited by Spawn: 5/17/2018 6:59:39 PM

Anyone else not having fun as a solo player?

Anyone else not having as much fun as a single player? I feel like I used to be able to hop in and feel like I accomplished something each time I logged in, but now its feels like im wasting my time. Havent had much luck or motivation to do the raids. I only play solo cause the 10 people or so I could rely on, to play with, gave up on the game. Its probably just me, but was just curious. I really wish they had match making for the content. EDIT 5-17 Amazed at the responses guys! I just wanted to clarify that yes, I understand that I could use LFG or play a different game (which I do) its just that this game isnt as friendly towards the solo player. I used to have 2 groups of people to play with but they all became jilted by the game and quit. Im essentially the last guy holding out for this game still. Haha. The biggest issue right now I have is loot progression, and something to chase. Like a grasp of malok with the perfect role! LOVE heroic strikes feeling Heroic. I just wish there was a carrot to chase there like in D1. Thanks again for all the responses. [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to #Feedback forum so that other Destiny players can weigh in.  [url=] See Cozmo's thread here[/url] for more information about the #Feedback tag and its uses. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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  • I sort of felt like I was accomplishing something before Warmind, though even more so when I was playing Destiny 1 (and I think that was due to the fact that the game had so much content and it had RANDOM ROLLS). After Warmind though, yeah, the game feels even LESS rewarding than it did before as a solo player, which... is saying something.

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  • I feel like they don't care. They haven't said anything to my posts or any other solo players posts. Not here or on reddit.

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    • you aint alone , they shat all over solo players in this dlc. once your milestones are done theres nothing for you but the same old loop with zero rewards. but if you can raid they shower you in gifts for curbstomping mobs at light level 300. each raid gives 15 extra chances for loot that increases your light.. i guess those 15-20 % of the player base that have ever done a raid are the only ones they will be looking to sell the next DLC to. they seem ok with alienating all those who dont raid.

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      • It's fine until you finish all the weekly activities. Then what are you supposed to do? I did the raid last night and only went up 2 Light Levels. It's a bit too slow to grind up now. They need to increase the LL of exotics when they drop a bit more.

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        • [quote]Anyone else not having as much fun as a single player?[/quote] Or at all?

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        • I feel for solo players, having to do a few milestones a week for months (which they've already been doing since the games release) just to get to a level to be able to participate in EP "new end game", and then get rewards lower than their power level.

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        • Just as Bungie intended. Guess they saw how solo players could have fun and accomplish the impossible alone (solo raids, etc.) and decided to have none of it. I don't know why Bungie hates solo players in D2.

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        • Yeah the nerf to power level progression reeeally sucks. All it does is artificially lengthen the game. If you don't have a designated group then it is gonna be a long grind to be able to begin playing endgame again. I understand wanting a grind, but don't take away progression means that we had before. They may not be nerfing weapons but they nerfed power levels a ton.

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          18 Replies
          • Edited by Mike: 5/17/2018 4:12:56 PM
            Matchmaking so you can mute your mic? Get lost

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          • I completely agree. I do the weekly milestones for Flashpoint and Clan and that is it. Strikes are not fun or rewarding, Crucible is simply not fun.

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            2 Replies
            • Nope. Game isn't fun at all since the "update". The people who left because of shallow gameplay aren't coming back for this turd DLC, and it's certainly not worth finding a new fireteam just to play the exact same endgame we've had since launch. Seriously, put some loot into the heroic strikes already. Milestones shouldn't even exist for heroic strikes, nightfall, and raid. Those activities should reward while you play, not once a week. I mean, it's stupid to have heroic strikes reward nothing and the raid reward every encounter... especially when the heroic strikes have become more difficult than the raid. Put those modifiers in the raid. See how your streamers like it when their playstyle is affected.

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              • Yep. Without active clan people you can't do the raids and a big part of progression is closed to you. You have to go back to lfg and search for open slots and competent players. Making the heroic strikes drop 5 below your LL is just plain evil. Having hard fights is NICE!, but I want to progress as a reward! The shitty streamer community that makes tons of money from playing 24*7 ruined an already terrible game. LL is a meaningless number. Doing the activities should grant equipment and mods that make the task easier or get you specialised! smh Bungie devs are stupid evil and asshats.

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                3 Replies
                • Yes, just got to 349, feel like I will never get to high enough power to have fun. Fills too much like work!

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                • We mostly solo players got completely boned this time around. Completely. I just posted a topic about the Redrix Claymore and how you can only get it through competitive, which sucks big time. Isn't that supposed to be what Trials is all about? Oh well, guess I'll never see that gun aside from when I'm getting my face melted by it in crucible or IB.

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                • I play everything except trials and raid, and at this point most of it feels like work where i'm just grinding for milestones to increase power. I wish they'd made Escalation Protocol more like Archon's Forge or Court of Oryx (dedicated area, multiple difficulties) or had the light level requirements the same as the public events on Mars so everyone could play without grinding for ages to be strong enough or finding enemies overly difficult.

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                  • As a PvP player that solo queues a lot it’s frustrating to play crucible

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                  • Yeah, Bungie -blam!-ed us over big time. I’m gonna try an acquire the Sleeper Simulant and Anna Bray’s Scout Rifle, maybe try an open as many Sleeper nodes. But aside from that.... there just isn’t anything else here for me. Bungie turned a Heroic Strikes into a massive chore, and the current progression system sucks dick.

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                    • yeah same for me. as a solo palyer you can just do the milestones to lvl up. But whats the reason to to them every week and get stronger since I can do all of them at my current light level. and loot is boring in this game so no reason to play for me sadly

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                    • Well you have 5 less activities that you don’t get to play. Plus the story missions and “NEW STRIKES” being so bland and boring, you need to do the nightfall and raids because that’s where all the fun is. So I don’t blame you.

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                      • 17
                        Nope, not at all. I feel locked out of. Haven't done since the begining, and won't do raid and trials. Neither escalation protocol, probably not until I'm the proper level. Outside the basic milestones I have absolutely nothing to do other than log out for the day and look for something else to do

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                      • Bungie should make grind streams for highest light loot. Solo Player Stream - heroic strikes, public events, crucible quick play, the Iron Banner, a new type of archons forge or POE. Certain amount of grinding gets you high level loot. ( iron banner should also go back to light level modifiers "active" that way getting higher light gear is relevant) Group Player Stream - What it's like now There should also be cool loot for the dedicated solo player. The strike specific gear should be at the heroic level not the night fall level. Solo players ( the bread and butter $ of the player base) use to not get any of the cool gear from raid and trials then we did for while and now they took it away again. Give clan engrams back but mod them so they are not the same. IE adept, regular, clan gift. Why is so hard for Bungie to work this out.

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                      • My clan has 6 pages of members. There are usually less than 6 people playing this game. I enjoy playing solo and I enjoy co-op activities. The problem is I’m one of the last hold outs. I can get a few clan mates together to do a few things but usually they’re just running milestones and signing off for the week. The problem is Bungie is all one direction or all another direction with no middle ground. Getting the soft cap is easy. The hard cap is a long way off and there are no mid-point activities. Heroic strikes should fill the gap but the reward drops makes them useless except for the three weekly for milestone. Exotic engrams used to come out at your light level no matter where they came from but now they’re cursed by being lower than your current power level making them useless. So to level up you have to do all milestones on one character following up with raid and raid layer then back to prestige raid and raid layer on one character. Then pass gear up (but only if it’s a weapon because you can’t infuse armor across classes) to anothe character and rinse and repeat until you get this all done on your main. Essentially, if you want to get to end game content in the first 2 months you have to play Destiny like it’s your job. In D1 the strike specific loot from the chests could improve your light up to max and you could infuse across classes. If you needed higher level arms on your warlock. That’s fine. Play heroic shield brothers until the Titan arms dropped and infuse them with you warlock. Need a helmet? Play sunless cell or the giant shank. There were middle activities that allowed you to progress. Here there’s not. And if you want to reach max power you better be lucky enough to not get legs and class items for every milestone.

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                        • I don't really understand their logic. Presumably the aim was to bring players back to the game, and all they've done is force the last few people to stick with it to move away from it. Fully agree with the original post by the way

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                        • I too used to enjoy playing solo, NOT ANYMORE! It's boring AF and too much to do!

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                        • Edited by GrundleBeans: 5/17/2018 6:40:18 PM
                          I spend probably 80% of my time solo and the rest with just 1-2 other guys (mostly for strikes and NF). Personally, I'm having a good time. But unlike others, I don't touch PvP because I don't care about it, and it's difficult getting my clanmates all together on a specific night for a raid since we're all busy people, so that happens only once in a while. I would like to do more, but it's just not a high priority. I'm also not having any trouble with running into randoms to do Escalation either. We did 5 or 6 level 1 EPs last night and I got my Sleeper quest done pretty quickly. I'm the kind of person who in D1 would log in most days of the week just to do bounties and run around patrols for hours though...

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                        • Normally play with my 1 active clan mate left, once milestones are done basically aimed at raids and trials to get levels. EP is a time effort to sort out, exotics not powerful light gains anymore so destiny is over for me each week before Thursday lol. Never cleared a prestige raid if a clan out there cares for a wounded animal like myself 😞

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