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5/4/2018 6:48:08 PM

So i guess thank you ? Kind of? See you May 8th? Maybe?

1. I like the way the new update looks and the direction the game seems to be going in and although i have not played since a month after it's release i may return to D2 for the thrill of being a "space alien magic god" again soon, but I [strongly emphasize that i] still will never purchase DLC from a blatantly unapologetic company that would do all that you've done since September. 2. Next time you reboot a game from scratch how about you ask your [at the time] undying fan base for their thoughts and patience instead of trying to take more of their money to feed a process they did not even know existed and selling them a shell of a game with nothing they had come to know and love? 3. Why must i buy DLC to get back Exotics you told me i could not bring to D2 because you wanted me to have a new adventure? I already have the Nothing Manacles why are you trying to re-sell it to me? 4. Am i the only one that remembers I was an Iron Lord too? 5. Knowing full well that any slight you make could hurt what little rapport you have left with your hardcore fans [like me] that are waiting and hoping you'll give us a reason to come back, you still seek to monetize the game in any means possible and by making everything random except what we actually ask for. Why would you make the acquisition of loot within the eververse random and add a one per week cap? Well obviously to inorganically lengthen the games life and to give incentive [for spending] to player's with bigger pockets than play time. I understand what gaming has become, but i for one miss the days of receiving a full game instead of half a game already completed and then sold to me in pieces (and cosmetics) in order for a money hungry company to make a penny (times infinity) off the backs of their consumers. 6. You have not apologized to your fan base and i do not think you ever will, but it seems like you are really trying at least to win our pockets and our time back. So i guess thank you ? Kind of? See you May 8th? Maybe?

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