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5/3/2018 3:33:54 PM
I've been in the clan for several months now and it is by far the most organized clan I've ever been in. Our clan leader and senior members take the selection process quite seriously for the simple fact that at any moment when you're playing you can look on the clan roster and any member online is a competent player that can assist you at almost any and all content. We communicate through a discord server which I was relatively unfamiliar with at the time. We have a built in bot that will pull up any destiny Stat in real time to include ELO, raid completions, KD, and clan leaderboards for all of the above to name a fraction of its capabilities. Our Discord mods are second to none and have programing experience and it shines in the pride they take in maintaining it. During the lull of content we typically have a full page of players on at most times and you can use the discord server to schedule and sign up for activities. I haven't used the Destiny ap LFG since I've joined. I'm primarily a PvP player and recently we've brought in a lot of talented players. It's not unusual to see our members assisting streamers such as GrenaderJake or Diffizle in a carry. We have beaten some of the best PvP clans (Teach, Firm) in Trials consistently and when they see our clan tag in matchmaking they already understand that they're in for a sweaty ass game. With the upcoming addition of ranked and custom games we are more than willing to help coach up fellow clan members so that we can all become better players. If you think you would be an asset to this clan I suggest you message Crimmy soon. Our roster is getting pretty full and you could be on the outside looking in once the DLC drops.

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