So we're slowly starting to hear from people at the summit. So far it appears that warmind is more of the same. Apparently September is when the big improvments will come.
Also there's rumor of a "new" game mode coming September. Maybe it's battle royale. Lol. I'm sure you'll have to buy the expansion to play this new mode.
Another thing I heard mentioned is the new weapon slot changes are different from D1 and D2. That might be interesting to see.
Bottom line though are you willing to wait and drop more cash for a complete game. Yes Warmind is bringing some new stuff but so did CoO which fizzled out. It appears Bungie is banking on the September expansion.
So Guardians what are your thoughts? Are you willing to wait? Or is it too little too late.
I find it it funny that we've been hearing "we're listening" for 7 months straight after every criticism and every time they get called out for doing something they shouldn't have done. They listened so hard they had to hold a summit and ask what people like and don't like about the game. If they were really listening, they'd know these answers. If you watched the videos of the YouTubers you invited, you'd know what they want to see. This was nothing more than a way to use these same YouTubers, streamers, and critics as a marketing tool and control the narrative that the game is a lost cause. Make them sign an NDA so you can make a bunch of claims, have everyone talk about how excited they are for stuff the can't talk about, cause a bunch of hype for September, and not take any heat when those claims don't pan out. At the same time you look like you're trying to really listen to the community, like you've been claiming you do anyway for the past 7 months.