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4/3/2018 5:12:47 PM

Would you like to see Clan Scoring and Perk Improvements?

There are more important issues!


I'm not in a clan so I don't care.


Yes please improve Clan & Perks Scoring!


I wouldn't change a thing about clans


Clans overall need MORE including scoring!




I remember hearing about are more robust Clan experience in D2. Albeit more can be literally 1 thing but I was hoping for more activities and options for clans. Not just being able to Invite someone in-game (which I do like), seeing clan members in-game and earning clan points for mostly unnoticeable perks! I was thinking wouldn't it be nice to have more Clan Incentives. Maybe some milestones that gave you perks. REAL perks not something small but something noticeable, something that can change game play. What if every activity had a score(similar to now). Instead of hitting a weekly threshold and be done(no more grinding!) you would hit seasonal thresholds that gave you options to choose from. You can grind points out by completing normal activities down to Patrols(lower score) or Prestige Mode Nightfalls(higher score). Every tier hit would open up multiple options to choose from that you would apply for that season. Obviously, the higher the tier you reach the stronger said perk/perks get. You could maybe have an option to change it every week. This will allow clans to gear to a certain playstyle or mode. For example: Want more pvp damage with Smg's? Take that perk. Want grenades to recharge 50% faster in PvE? Take that perk. Want more precision damage on Elites? Take that perk. (These are just examples of course). Just my thoughts. I'm a dreamer(obviously) but I'm just hoping for a better overall game experience. They improved the game before and I'm just hoping they can do it again. Any Clan ideas that you have in mind? Let us know! P.S. - Why isn't there a Clan War or Clan Arena? Clan picks top players(or any clan members) to get in there and complete objectives/pvp....Something! Maybe like Prison of Elders with Enemy guardians in there with you idk...we all just need MORE!

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