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Edited by Spawn: 1/18/2018 8:46:26 PM

<——- one like is one prayer for Deej, Cosmo, and dmg04

Deej, Cosmo, dmg04(control). It’s not their fault. Their job is to communicate whatever the leadership at Bungie wants them to say. They’ve been getting a lot of shit lately. Not all, but much of the anger here on the forums has been directed towards them. It’s not fair. Imagine having their job. They’re the face of a failing company. They can’t control what’s going on. I’m sure they let the leadership know what’s going on in the forums, but they don’t listen. Give these guys some props, as they’re doing the best they can. If I were one of them, I would have quit a looooong time ago. For many of us that have been here since Y1, Deej has a special place in our D1 stories. One like is one prayer. Edit: As the comments are saying #DontShootTheMessenger

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  • People are to stupid to realise that these dudes call NO SHOTS WHAT SO EVER! they are told what to say and what info can be leaked and so on.. the only thing they can do is laugh at how stupid some people are and dont understand how massive companys like Bungie works.. I hope they dont take all this anger to heart.. Because people are really dumb and have no idea how things work in the real world.

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    • Having their job would be awesome. Just copy and paste a bullshit response to everything and call it a day.

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      • [quote]Their job is to communicate [/quote] Well, both Deej and Cozmo have been doing a swell job at failing at their job. I’ve seen dmg reply to post so he gets off the hook.

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        • DeeJ doesn't care about this game anymore. Deej hasnt't repliead to or posted anything since November.

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        • Duck em. They haven’t “managed” shiz and honestly are in on the changes. They don’t even play this pile of trash like we do. They know nothing and are getting paid thousands of dollars to do a terrible job.

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        • I think dmg04 knew exactly how things were going to be, he took the reins at just before one of the lowest points in Destiny history. Also they do get paid quite well for what isn't a very demanding job.

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          • Edited by BoomboxCollosus: 1/20/2018 5:30:57 AM
            DeeJ is a shell of a man and inept at his job. Barret is an boy band haircut that should be making my hamburger and Cozmo is a yes man without a personality. If THIS is who they chose as spokespeople, the rest must be Quasimoto level and should not be seen or heard from in the public.

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          • honesly, no because they barely ever communicate with anyone here. it's not about the bad messages. they are literally almost never around

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            • The only thing I've ever had a problem with is Deej with his friendgame... He's played twice since Dec obviously it isn't working for him,either... Destiny isn't the only show in town anymore...

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              • They chose to take the job, and they chose to do it poorly. They get no sympathy.

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              • Edited by BIMPtacular: 1/18/2018 10:22:13 PM
                I wish them no ill will, but it is a job that they chose to take in exchange for money. They aren't held against their will. This is one of the most ignored communities in gaming. I'm not saying it is their fault, but they are objectively doing a poor job of interfacing with the community. If they are being mistreated, they can leave. Otherwise they shoud feel free to complain about how they're being treated.... "we're listening." At the time of typing this, there are 0 Bungie replies to the top 100 trending threads. How is this good community management?

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              • Yea I'd be down to take over, get a salary job for lying and bullshitting a community base. Sounds actually pretty easy. Oh what? Some harsh words is actual I have to worry about? Hahahaha try having actual loaded gun shoved in your face, that's some thing to actually be worried about when thinking about taking a job.

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                • no, they don’t deserve our respect after they magically are talkative for a week. hell no

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                • -blam!-. Them. All.

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                • I liked but it didn't show up. Just having a good spirit about things.

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                • Edited by draycole: 1/18/2018 9:18:54 PM
                  Gonna upvote here because they're actually pretty cool people. Unfortunately their bosses have screwed up, and the community is too stupid to realize it isn't the community managers fault

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                • Edited by xpctR3sistanc3: 1/18/2018 9:07:03 PM
                  From another topic [url=]HERE[/url] - looks like one of them has had enough of dealing with this shit.

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                • Honestly was surprised when I looked at their destiny profiles the other day and saw that they didn’t even have a single character at max light.... not a single one.... the community managers don’t even like the game enough to grind it out to max light

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                • They -1 prayers i guess it equals a curse [spoiler]a curse of o$iri$[/spoiler]

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                • The forums probably don't register with them . . . because they're adults and such ! The whole '1 like is one prayer' thing is pretty cringy to be honest.

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                • This community is actually so retardèd that you all think these guys get paid a lot for managing the forums and/ or develop games. It’s a volunteer job and their not devs. Pathetic forum users don’t know shît yet again

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                  7 Replies
                  • Never ever quit! Make 'em fire you!

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                  • Edited by Squeeze A Snack: 1/18/2018 7:25:51 PM
                    They should look for other jobs for the simple fact that working for bungie is really a job that shows you have no personal integrity, if you can tweet or post here that Eververse was nevr designed to be endgame with a straight face, then you are as big of scum as whoever told you to say it! The only way I would take their job is if I could be honest with my userbase. but as you can see they all waffle around issues and pass on lies to the community.

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                    • None from me, they have my $$$, that’s all they really wanted.

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                    • I liked, though you can't see it.

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                      • Edited by Shadowdragon: 1/18/2018 7:47:12 PM
                        They don't deserve a single fact, they don't deserve a single f­uck! The game is dead and fall 2018 is too long to fix what is currently happening...if it fixes anything at all. Even so, it has to take a massive paid expansion to do it no less. This game is's just they don't know it yet.

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