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originally posted in: DON'T REMOVE EVERVERSE!!!
12/29/2017 6:52:50 PM
Any changes with Eververse will not bring me back. My issue with Destiny is the change in fundamental vision. Before the game's release in 2014, the series was marketed as an FPS RPG, primarily focusing on providing a coop RPG experience. I recognised a change in this vision in 2015 with the release of HoW. Destiny started taking steps away from primarily providing the coop RPG experience toward primarily providing a PvP experience. With every update and DLC released since, they've stepped further and further away from the vision first advertised. With Destiny 2, it has become apparent there is absolutely no desire to step away from a providing PvP as the primary Destiny experience. Just as I'd taken a long hiatus from Destiny between June 2015 and September 2016, I've been on an hiatus from Destiny 2 since mid October. It seems I may have already retired D2 as I retired D1 in November 2016. I still don't understand why everyone seems to be so focused on Eververse. My issues with Destiny began months before Eververse was implemented, before Eververse was even revealed/announced. This occurred during my hiatus in D1. From my perspective, Destiny's issues are very much independent of Eververse. If someone can explain how Eververse contributed toward the fundamental change in Destiny's vision toward primarily a PvP shooter, I may better understand the apparent community obsession.

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