A lawyer in a court of law is attempting to make a case for the defendant. The jury watches, skeptical. As the lawyer tries to make my points on how the defendant is changing their ways, the defendant is sitting in the back making stuff worse, telling lies, going back on their promises, knocking down chairs, chewing on the desk, jumping on the tables, mugging members of the jury, all the while the lawyer is declaring, "Just ignore him, listen to my valid points instead." The lawyer, obviously, loses the case, and the defendant is sentenced by the judge.
If you didn't get it:
Lawyer = Fanboy
Defendant = Bungie
Jury = General Public
Judge = Literally Anyone With A Brain
Man climbs a hill and stands into the wind and begins to urinate. He watches as his urine stream goes out and is immediately sprayed right back at him covering his pants and shoes. Angered by this egregious act committed by the winds, he curses the wind but continues to urinate into the wind. After his finishes, he climbs back down the hill. By the time he reaches the bottom the wind has dried the urine wetness from his pants and shoes. However the man doesn’t thank the wind for its part. The following day the man repeats his climb up the hill and at the summit and again urinates into the wind. Moral of the story. Just play the game and enjoy it. Some matches you get pissed on. Some games your the wind. And the urine (toxic community) will piss no matter what type of pants and shoes you’re wearing. No one forced people to play this game.