Salt Miners greed is stronger than their logic basicly...
no worries those are people you often see play backstory roles as drunk loosers who rage at everything, they are the type of person who see the cup as half empty rather than half full and their lives are kinda bleak... They will continue to buy stuff hoping it helps but they won't be able to enjoy it a lot as to begin with they are prone to seeing only the negative...
They do not realize if all it took was money then how come Trump cannot pay the world to like him ? They also do not realize threats never produce anything desired in the end... take a look at a typical schoolyard... if one is threatened too much they either crumble and become shy or they do something scary and unpredictable usually against all morals and extremely dangerous...
Now imagine working at a sandwich shop... 2 out of 10 customers during your day say they dont like it and rage at you while a 3rd says what he likes or dislikes... if the 3rd persons comment is given a couple times by customers you listen and see if you can adjust based on it but the ragers... why should you care ? if they leave then they left so why should you try to cater to whats not there ? Those that come over and over however and give you kind yet constructive friendly tips alongside saying what they like will be heard...
I hope even an imbecile can understand it but i have my doubt with these salt miners...
🚨 Luke Smith Re-Skin identified.... Rated 5/5 Sandwiches for A$$hole Authenticity.
Thank you, at least someone who gets it. It's just sad seeing people acting like this, all out of their mind, wasting time to hate and salt around. You nailed it.