We're still looking for people who play around 8pm to 12am gmt +8 weeknights to join our raids. We do normal and hard mode 3-4 times a week. Our player base are from japan, hk, sg, ph, malaysia and australia. We all speal english and we use whatsapp as our main app for organizing raids and weeklies.
You do not need to join our clan (but its encouraged). We accept all classes, with or without clans. If you are interested please add me on psn Xacarius or pm your mobile number with area code (i.e. +63917 XXX-XXXX)
To those in the US or have morning tp noon schedules. We also have a US contingent that you can join.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Thanks!
- Xacarius
Bumpity bump bump