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10/5/2017 9:09:00 AM

Please force microphone for Guided Games Nightfall

My friend and I have done 2 Guided Games for Nightfalls as Guides and both times the Seeker did not have a microphone so we could not guide them. They just went and did their own thing and got constantly killed (it looked like one of them was killing him/herself on purpose so as not to do any work). This is just not workable. We, as Guides just wasted our time when we don't have much time to play the game to begin with. Once the Guided Games finds a Seeker, there should be some time set aside so that we can reject the Seeker if he/she does not have a mic rather than just launch straight into the Nightfall without any preparations. We had to quit because it was getting so bad and realised that we would not finish the Nightfall with these trolls. And then we are the ones tagged as Oathbreakers and we can't do Guided Games any more anyway. When Guided Games is selected, it shows on the screen the microphone is required, yet players manage to join as Seekers without mics anyway.

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  • Edited by Railen: 11/8/2017 3:08:51 PM
    Nightfall strikes are no where near freaking difficult enough. Destiny outside of strikes is no where near difficult enough to warrant this kind of approach to finding players. If we could contact other players hanging out in social area's it'd make a bit more sense, but you can't. LFG and Hosted game lobbies seem to be a foreign concept, include these if you don't want matchmaking, or if you want to complain about people who simply want to play the game. Now sure, people running in and wasting your time is frustrating. However, such is life. I just went to play a guided nightfall knowing i almost completed one. SOLO!!!!! And i saw that "mic required" option. I do not wish to use coms for a nightfall, i simply wish to do something im up to and enjoy the game. It's a dps check however. There is absolutely nothing in a nightfall strike that requires raid level co-ordination. And from what i understand, D2's raid doesn't require it either so long as you are aware of the mechanics, which a simple video guide can help you understand. The way all of this is implemented prevents freelance introverted players such as myself from enjoying the full game without the risk of dramatic idiocy and confrontation from people who think they're better because they're further along, or have better gear, or have a clan. This is why i hesitated to click launch. Not because i felt it would be too hard without, but because i have no love for drama on a game that has a far lower difficulty than some of the single player games I've played through. I find it kind of ridiculous in a way... because the one game that comes to mind when i consider this... has a mode that is far harder than anything destiny has had to offer. It took me playing an instance at 60 power above my current level for me to experience a difficulty that was somewhat... similar to how it was. Halo's hardest difficulty. You can drop that on single player, and 2 player co-op. But you can't just implement matchmaking in a raid and nightfall strikes, inviting drama and conflict into a pve... FF14 has matchmaking on their hardest content. You don't join these games to complete them, you join them to find people who have the potential to do so, and group up with them slowly but surely, and eventually you complete it. That's how i progressed. ugh this whole thing gets on my nerves so damn much. Finally, 'mic required' is actually nonsense. They need to simply be able to LISTEN. I agree that someone jumping into nightfall and screwing around, ignoring the guides, is frustrating. I agree that you should be frustrated 100%. But i hope that these players screwing around don't cause a community of guides who refuse to play with people who are willing to listen without a mic. Text chat should workout on the PC as-well. I can just say. Yo, i watched a guide, i know what to do, im just inexperienced. leggo. Any toxicity i receive will probably be met with an extreme response of my own, in a none toxic, but harsh manner. I loved D1, but i didn't ever touch nightfalls or raids because of it's functions. I was overjoyed about the game coming to the PC so i could communicate with others, and use my mic for raids. But I've completed the campaign, and have barely interacted with other players, making starting my own clan pointless because i have to use 3rd party functions to find other players. or do the one thing i absolutely don't want to as an introvert xD Join a random clan. Edit: Here's a suggestion o.o Make nightfall's hard, and remove the dps check timer! -.-

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