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11/3/2017 5:33:25 PM
[b]Here are just a few of our members thoughts on how they feel and their experiences in our sisterhood:[/b] “The Sisterhood is Family. This group is more than just an lfg of ladies. I've made friendships that will honestly last a lifetime. I love the Sisterhood. 💕” “Before I joined, I loved to raid but I often had negative experiences with random players. Now, I can raid pretty much whenever I want, with people who are respectful and helpful and positive. I get to help less experienced people who have sometimes never even done a raid before, because I know that everyone will stay patient and positive. I love this gaming sisterhood” “Before I found the sisterhood, I didn't have very many people to play with, I didn't have very many friends either as I am very shy. Everyone is so welcoming, friendly and helpful. Everyone is always willing to help with raids, missions, getting fragments and what not. I love my sstr's, I love how we're just not a group, We are a community, a family, most of all we are Sstr's.” “ I joined the clan a almost two years ago and what a fantastic ride it's been. I didn't have any friends who played online and I was looking for a place to feel like I belonged, a place where I was comfortable and had something in common outside of Destiny. I found it in the Sisterhood of Guardians. In the Sisterhood, I have found friendship, camaraderie and confidence with an incredible group of ladies who are always there with a helping hand and a well-timed joke about Shaxx wearing spanx. Never will a better group of ladies be found, in my humble opinion” “As someone who never quite got the hype behind many older online games, this is the first time where I can't even imagine playing solo anymore. So many awesome ladies, each always up for something fun or otherwise there to help. I've made so many fun memories and took part in so many awesome shenanigans. I think I'll be kicking myself for not joining sooner for quite a while yet. :3” “I joined Sisterhood I was a solo & shy player that couldn't get much content done . Now after couple years being a member I have made lifelong friendships & unforgettable memories. It's awesome knowing that members are always willing to help me get content done. I love that we have members from all over the world and from different skill ranges. I've also been able to practice my communication and leadership skills because feedback is always conducive and encouraging. It's great being part of an active, organised, welcoming & friendly community. I cannot wait to make more great memories in the Sisterhood for D2!” “I've been in this clan for a little over a year now & I absolutely love it! I can almost always find someone to play with & I always have a good time! Every sister that I have ever encountered is so nice, it's so refreshing 😊”

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