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Edited by TheLegs41: 10/30/2017 3:00:11 PM


Am I the only one around here who doesn't like Horizon Zero Dawn? I played it at a friend's house for a little over 2 hours and about 3/4 of that time was spent in cutscenes. I don't know about anyone else, but I like a little more GAME in my video games. I could tell the story was good, but I'd much rather watch all of the cutscenes on YouTube than spend $60 to watch a movie with a few crouch-walking segments. It's the same with the Last of Us and the TellTale games. Great story, but no enjoyable gameplay. Edit: So (choosing to ignore the hate) the general consensus is that I just didn't play it long enough. If that's the case, that's still a problem. If I can play for over 2 hours and not be out of "the beginning" setup, then I don't care to finish the rest of the game. Edit 2: I should probably also explain that I lump anything story related that makes you stay put for an extended period of time into the same category as cutscenes. I.e. Audio files that you have to stand next to to hear, character dialogue that gets quieter if you walk more than 3 feet away, etc. I don't know if it was just me, but any time I tried walking more than 5 feet away from an audio file, it cut off completely. And whether it was actually 3/4 of the time is beside the point. My point is it shouldn't [i]feel[/i] like that. I felt like all I was doing was wandering around a cave for 5 minutes, then there was a 10 min cutscene. I crouch walked through some bushes for 10 minutes, then another cutscene.
#Gaming #PS4 #hzd

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  • I think you played somthing else. You sure you weren't playing Destiny? And mistook it for hzd? And were high wale playing?

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  • Edited by renots6: 10/30/2017 2:41:35 AM
    Idk what game you were playing. Most of the game is actual gameplay not cut scenes. In the entire game there are just under 4 hours of cut scenes. It take the average person 42.5 hours to complete the game. That's 10% cut scenes and 90% gameplay.

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  • Both the Last of Us and Horizon don’t have that many cutscenes. It sounds you hardly want any story at all

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  • It's an open world game, of course you'll have to play more than 2 hours to see things flesh out. That said I don't blame you, if a game has a boring start, it kills my interest to move forward. That was the case with mass effect Andromeda (I still finished it out of respect for my old love for the franchise). I've had it for months and I still haven't beat it, haven't even played it in months lol. It's not even necessarily a bad game but it's gameplay is so bland and boring that it really resembles various other open world games. It's why I can't play things like assassins creed, shadow of mordor, dragon age inquisition very much cause they're all pretty close in gameplay. Tons of fetch quests, expanded length only cause they're open works (and really I'd say open world-esq as they're not true open world games). It stretches out the story and progression which just kills it.

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  • Edited by Psyntifik: 10/30/2017 3:06:01 PM
    Eurgh! There's nothing in games I hate more than the old walk and talk... But, I'm in your boat. I played it for less than 2 hours and turned it off.

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  • Vast majority of people did not say you didn’t play it long enough. What planet are you on? They called you out on your BS saying playing for two hours and 75% of it being cut scenes.

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    7 Replies
    • I see you've criticized a sony exclusive.

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    • I must have played a different HZD then you. HZD I played had a shit ton of gameplay with very little cut screens

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      1 Reply
      • There aren't that many cutscenes after the beginning. Once you get passed the opening of the game, it REALLY opens up and you can do whatever.

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      • I'm afraid you missed out on some of the best and most fluid combat ever to come to PlayStation. I also hated the last of us.

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      • I didn't find it cutscene heavy. Not played any metal gear game, then? (MGS5 doesn't count - that was cutscene light in comparison)

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      • Edited by Vizard: 10/29/2017 4:39:14 PM
        Nope, all Nintendo and Xbox players dont like it either. I personally think it's one of the top 3 for GOTY with Nier and Hellblade. Oh and it's quite clear you did not play the game cuz this is 80% gameplay. GG m8 👍😂

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        8 Replies
        • Clearly you didn’t play the game long at all. Because that couldn’t be farther from the truth

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        • It was fun until about a quarter of the way through. I had trouble finding stuff to do.

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          • If all you were seeing were cutscenes you were probably rushing (although the intro does have a fair bit of setup) which isn't going to do the game justice. Kinda like driving up the US east coast, hitting a few major sights, in a few days vs hiking the Appalachian trail over weeks. That being said, there are more than a few here who didn't find it their cup of tea. You're not alone.

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