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originally posted in: Like if D2 is Disappointing ☹
10/23/2017 12:55:28 AM
[quote]One raid.[/quote] Yep. [quote]No hard mode or challenges period[/quote] We had multiple difficulties day one, which resulted in a faster grind from story missions, but they were a one-and-done deal and based on level instead of light. Daily story missions picked up the slack there, which is now replaced by Ikora's Meditations. Strikes followed suit, starting at lv8, all the way up to lv20, will all difficulties available at lv20. Bounties were part of vanilla, but you could only take 5 out of a set of 12 at a time(6 vanguard, 6 crucible) until you completed those, and refreshed every 12 hours. Challenges replaced that. [quote]No way to earn exotics but said raid and extreme luck rng[/quote] Exotic bounties were a thing. Thorn, Bad Juju, Pocket infinity, just to name a few, were all acquired from these. Now [i]armor[/i], on the other hand, I don't remember any bounties for. D2 now hands you a couple exotics during the story, and has some exotic bounties of its own. [quote]No trials. No competition level pvp in general[/quote] Yep. Vehicles were also a thing back then. Mostly sparrows and interceptors are what I remember, but the pikes wouldn't be out of place. [quote]No events, eververse, or other means to get any vanity items[/quote] Because they were already handled by the Shipwright for sparrows and ships, Eva Levante for emblems and shaders, and the speaker for class items and more emblems. Lets also not forget about the ships, sparrows, emblems and shaders that dropped from strikes, patrol and gold (region) chests, crucible, and the raid. Emotes weren't a thing until Eververse was... and vice-versa. [quote]Extreme weapon imbalance. Extreme class imbalance. [/quote] The Vex Mythoclast was a clear example of weapon imbalance. The nerf after day the Suros was sold by Xur and everyone brought it to the crucible was not. I will agree that a lot of rebalancing happened in vanilla. Also, the Mythoclast was classified as a fusion rifle.(heh) The classes were definitely not balanced against each other, but personally I didn't have a big problem with it, because they all had something to bring to the table, though the difference between having something and not was massive. It was almost as if they deliberately left the supers, at least, unbalanced so they could feel super. [quote]I think the destiny most people on the forums remember was taken king or newer. They’ve yet to give destiny 2 the chance to really set in. Let’s be honest people the prestige rewards are not what you’re mad about. It’s a change and most people don’t like change.[/quote] Regardless of when you started, we're still going from D1 Y3 to something closer to D1 day 1, and not just due to the amount of content. That's not good, no matter how you slice it. It's the fact that there is no upgrade in gear that everyone was upset at the prestige raid. All the way up until D2 raids and hard mode raids were the only way to get max light, with nightfalls as a small boost. Now all I have to do is wait for RNG to get me to max through clan engrams, I barely need to play anymore. That's what disembowels the rewards from the raid and prestige of either kind. Nightfall is still where it's been, I think. [quote]D2 had a great story with memorable characters.[/quote] Because writing a story better than D1 was [i]so hard[/i]. Seriously, all of D1's "story" was making a setting that wasn't taken advantage of until the dark below, and moreso by TTK. Much of what TTK did, in terms of character building, was used for D2's story. At least D2 [i]tried[/i] to tell a story. A far better one would be one where they destroyed the traveler outright, and this one could've been improved just by putting more emphasis on that the shard we find is corrupted. I expected better, but you do you if you liked what was given. [quote] Adventures and quests that I’m sure most people haven’t completed on three toons, a challenging night fall. And a raid. [/quote] Why would people do anything 3 times if they didn't enjoy it the first time, assuming they thought it was worth trying at all(coughprestigeraidcough)? If you want me to play the same thing three times over, make it worth creating a second character for. The adventures are kinda nice, but there's not a good reason to play them once you've overleveled them, which is really easy. The nightfall and raid have their own difficulty and replayability, though perhaps not in the way some people wanted. [quote] And dlc less than two months away and the promise of seasons and an event. And it’s only a month old. As a day one destiny player this is light years better than the content droughts of d1[/quote] They didn't really say anything about future plans until a month and a half out, at Twitchcon. Everything we've known up until then was said before release. I'm not sure this was better than vanilla D1, but still better than nothing. D1 had some issues. D2 day 1 is better tha D1 day 1, but marginally. Less content (like strikes, raids) we expected, but all this other junk we thought was fixed over D1's lifespan, or was a part of D1 that we thought would be carried over. Yeah, we thought wrong, but were we so wrong for thinking that way? I don't think so.

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  • Everything can be looked at in retrospect and be comparative. The simple fact of the matter is that while destiny 1 appealed to an audience, it failed to keep the casual player. Most people in the gamer demographic cannot or simply will not grind a game. In turn they feel a sense of loss because they’ll never achieve something someone like you me can because of time constraints. And let’s face it, this is a money making market and they’re gonna try to include every potential buyer. The devs have said multiple times that it’s simply not possible to pump out the level of content needed to keep the hardcore sustained. Frankly I don’t think they expect or want people to be on this game 24/7. And it’s unfair to bash a dev because of something that’s pretty dam close to impossible. Believe me, the end game needs a shot of something to make it alluring to the hardcore who’s already beaten everything. Or maybe put it down, play some cod or Wolfe stein or whatever. I have 3000 hours in destiny 1 believe me I’ve had to change my thought process on this game. But I also remember that this franchise is the only one I’ve truly put a good chunk of my life into, so for me I’m willing to give them sanctuary to at least fix the few things wrong and continue keeping my favorite series alive.

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