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originally posted in: Like if D2 is Disappointing ☹
10/22/2017 11:40:17 AM
This. Destiny 1 hooked people into playing by rewarding them unpredictably. Didn't know if you'd get that drop in your first raid run, or your 50th. It's how you lay the ground work for addictive behavior as people chase that unpredictable reward. Destiny 2 shows respect for the player. Your rewarded predictably and in an effort dependent fashion. If put lots of hours in, your rewarded well and progress quickly. If you don't you progress slowly. But as you can see, some people prefer the [i]excitement[/i] of a slot machine rather than a steady paycheck. The grinding of The Division and Warframe to Diablo 3s Loot 2.0.

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  • [quote]This. Destiny 1 hooked people into playing by rewarding them unpredictably. Didn't know if you'd get that drop in your first raid run, or your 50th. It's how you lay the ground work for addictive behavior as people chase that unpredictable reward. Destiny 2 shows respect for the player. Your rewarded predictably and in an effort dependent fashion. If put lots of hours in, your rewarded well and progress quickly. If you don't you progress slowly. But as you can see, some people prefer the [i]excitement[/i] of a slot machine rather than a steady paycheck. The grinding of The Division and Warframe to Diablo 3s Loot 2.0.[/quote] Look I really hope they can turn this around, it’s a beautiful looking game, but I share the same views as my friends it lacks depth and the search for something awesome. You can’t ignore the 75% drop in players since launch, we have a full clan and only 9 people were online Saturday playing destiny and not one wanted to raid (it’s not worth it was the response} when I started out in D1 I subbed to a lot of big destiny streamers and content creators (I know how you feel about them) they streamed everyday almost until the end of D1 they were all exited for D2 and all ready 98% of them are streaming other games. Then there’s the forums they were never like this in D1, there were always more defending than complaining, that’s not the case now. I am going to be really interested to see what the pc community think of this game. You have to bare in mind that there are a lot of younger people on these forums who can’t quite express themselves accurately enough but if you go through the posts, and there are a lot, there are some very reasonable and intelligent articles. Call of duty has better numbers at this stage in its release compared to destiny 2. The numbers are proving that the casual fan base aren’t sticking around for long enough to sustain this game. This model of everyone’s a winner doesn’t work. I’m not having a go at you this is just how I see things, I like many others want the game to succeed but something has to change.

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  • What's going here is simple. 1. People are having euphoric recall about Destiny 1. Not only was Destiny 1 [i]that bad[/i], it was worse than this. Not only were people calling for the death of Destiny with the release of every new AAA game, "People still play that game?" was a popular meme. The game's loot system was so broken people shot into monster closets and one cartoonist compared Diablo 3 to Destiny: "Three hours playing Diablo 3@...happy gamer sitting in a pile of loot; "Three hours playing Destiny"... annoyed gamer looking at ONE engram. People are forgetting that you could play an entire week of Vanilla Destiny, only see two lengendary drops...and have both of those give you RARE gear. Or clear the raid a half dozen times and get NOTHING but shaders and upgrade mats. 2. The "problem" here is three things. a. Some people want this game to be a daily grind, and it wasn't built to be one. Bungie's stream on Friday shows that they are emulating Diablo 3. A game built on [i]episodic [/i] play around seasons and special events. So they are looking for something this game is no longer going to provide. Destiny 2 had moved away from that addictive play model of lots of effort for unpredictable reward. b. Some people want endless progression. No loot based game gives you that. Destiny 1 and Warframe hide that they couldn't under tons of grindinesd. Diablo 3 hides it by letting you continuously see numbers increase, but autoscales the difficulty, so you end up running on a hamster wheel. Destiny 2 doesn't hide it. Because they aren't trying to force you to keep playing c. Some people want status symbols.. and this game isn't providing them. Seasons will bring some, but they will only be cosmetic. The days of this game locking game-breakingly powerful gear behind inaccessible content are over. Bungie wised up and realized that this is really bad game design for any game with competitive play. TLDR: People are stubbornly refusing to accept that this is [i]vanilla[/i] Destiny 2 and are comparing this game (unfairly) to Year 3 of Destiny 1. No base game is going to be comparable to a game that has had 2 DLCs, 2 major expansions, many free content updates, and three years worth of raids and other end game content. Also people are deceiving themselves about how "good" Vanilla Destiny 1 was. It's game mechanics were great. Everything else was a broken mess.

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  • “c. Some people want status symbols.. and this game isn't providing them. Seasons will bring some, but they will only be cosmetic. The days of this game locking game-breakingly powerful gear behind inaccessible content are over. Bungie wised up and realized that this is really bad game design for any game with competitive play.” Well I hope you’re right. My experience with life is that everyone is competitive in some shape or form. Nearly all games are competitive, video games, football games, the Olympic Games, esports, there are winners and losers, that’s life. Who would bother competing for a gold medal if everyone got one? This whole make things easy for everyone and everyone wins thing is completely flawed it’s against human nature, the only people for it are surprisingly the people who don’t like to try too hard or the parent who feels sorry for their little Timmy because he came last in a race at school. I don’t like pvp, why? because I’m bad at it and I don’t like losing, but I used to say to myself and others that I’m just not competitive but deep down I knew I was. I think one day you will understand this if you don’t already deep down. There no reason to play this game yes it’s gun play is fun but that alone won’t keep people interested the same as cosmetics won’t. They’ve screwed this up and they know it.

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  • Not that cut and dried. People have competitive sides and cooperative sides to their personalities. How much of each you have and which side dominates, is individual Because of my past in sports I can pretty much turn my competitive side on and off at will. Unless I'm in a setting that is extremely competitive (like Trials) where it will simply get triggered. In most settings my cooperative side is dominant. We have need for both, but the key is understanding which side is best for a given situation, and to temper it to the situation. Frankly I think Bungie is taking the right approach here. Many of the things they did in Destiny caused such problems that they've had to reboot the game [i]twice[/i] now simply to get rid of them. Nice to see they aren't continuing to do the same things yet expecting a different outcome.

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  • “Because of my past in sports I can pretty much turn my competitive side on and off at will. Unless I'm in a setting that is extremely competitive (like Trials) where it will simply get triggered. In most settings my cooperative side is dominant.” At least you admit you’re competitive. Most people can turn it on and off at will that’s not the issue, this issue is are people gracious in defeat and have dignity in victory? The problem with video games is like anything with the internet people are faceless and younger people have no discipline or self control hence tea bagging, verbal abuse or crying on the forums that nothing is fair. I much prefer my coop side but I also see the need for competition and people’s desire for cool, rare or exclusive stuff, it’s in every aspect of life. Bungie have taken this game too far one way, destiny was a huge success, destiny 2 is a shadow of its former self. Certain cosmetic items like shaders are rubbish, I would say 60% either make very little difference to the standard colour or they just look the same as another shader, then there’s auras, they look daft in my opinion, some of the armour is good but most people want some functionality with it like perks after all we are space wizards with magic powers, gaming is all about immersion and most people don’t want to be the same as the person standing next to them they want to feel unique and badass because this is fantasy, which is where destiny 2 falls flat on its face. I understand that you feel strongly about this but so do i. The only thing I can think as to why they’ve done this is that it’s some kind of social experiment, designed exclusively for the casual player, the player who wants everything without having to put much effort into it. Time will tell, it’s not just about bungie there are big financial investors watching what’s happening with their money and if bungie can’t regain or retain its player base they will be facing some pretty bad consequences. The employees at bungie are intelligent and highly motivated people who have put their lives on hold and who’s families are depending on their paycheque, this is why I don’t understand why they took such a big risk with a product that had already proven to be successful. From a business point of view it makes no sense to me. Part of me thinks something really stinks about all this.

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  • Edited by juschillin117: 10/22/2017 12:06:02 PM
    The steady "payback" would be ok if it was worth it...why play the game to get the same weapons and armor over and over?...For example take the value strike from D1....valus had a chance to drop the treads upon stars scout play the strike a few times and it drops but it doesn't have the perks you like on it so you play it some more until it drops...that's d2 let's say the pyramidian strike has a chance to drop the nameless midnight scout you play the strike few times and it drops...that's need to play it anymore since all the nameless scouts have the same perks...that's the grind that d2 is missing...and what makes it worse is that they give you these great weapons so early in the why play the game? if they gave us something to chase then it would be worth it [spoiler]sorry post was so long[/spoiler]

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  • The loot pool rotates from week to week.

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