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10/19/2017 8:42:15 AM
At this specific Park and Ride next to a dark and thick forest, no traffic lights, nothing. So at night the only light you had was your car lights. So my parents claimed the boogyman lived in those woods. That if children misbehaved all a parent had to do was park near the woods. Turn off the car and the lights, and the boogyman would come out of the woods and steal you. Once as a child, i was maybe 6 at the time, I cried about my sister being a real bitch to me and my parents had enough of it and pulled into the park and ride. They explained the story of the boogyman and I went dead silent. Now, the car is off, and all the lights are out. I was already petrified of the dark, and now some boogyman monster was going to kidnap me. My parents even went as far as rolling down my window, and locking the windows from being rolled up claiming he was coming. Idk how my parents thought this would make me calm down and everything would get better, but I LOST MY SHIT. I was Grade A panic attack. I was hyperventilating, losing consciousness, my heart was probably beating at about 120 bpm, I was sweating, I wouldn't let anyone touch me, and according to my sister, I knuckled my seatbelt, curled into a ball, and tucked myself into a small corner. My parents rolled up the window and drove home. I refused to leave my room for hours afterwards cause I was still petrified of the boogyman. The area was so traumatizing to me as a child that up until I was 19 and they installed a traffic light there, I avoided that place like the plague, day or night. I wouldnt look in the direction, would not drive by the place at night, never parked there, and drive faster by it. Just looking at the place would bring a feeling of dread, and I would imagine being murdered or kidnapped by a devil looking figure. Very vivid as well. Sometimes the imagination would get so bad I'd have to pull over and take a minute to recollect my thoughts. Im now fine with the area, almost as if its just the woods. My parents, on the other hand, have no memory of this. I also remember my sister trying to drown me, too. I now have a fear of unclear and/or deep water.

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