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Destiny 2

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10/10/2017 3:52:28 AM

Concept: Treat Competitive more like a competitive playlist

I don't know about the rest of you, but my whole clan is plagued by the people who start a competitive match and leave after the first round loss. (Or, as soon as they notice the enemy team is 3/4 or more same-clan members) This wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for the fact that Competitive will not place you in mid-match, so you're stuck with an unavoidable disadvantage. Worst yet is that most of the rest of the players just auto-disconnect as they see no possible win in a now-unfair match. I understand there is the temp-ban for leaving too many matches, but that doesn't seem to be doing much to combat this trend. (At least on Xbox One) So, what to do? I know there are already massive threads calling for removal of any "competitive" aspect ("[i]It's just Quickplay with butt-hurt[/i]") but let's look at possible, more competitive-style alternatives. - Maybe a D1 Iron Banner treatment? A match loss gives a token/coin that grants extra rewards upon a win? It could even be given only if the match becomes un-fair. - Mercy rule NEEDS to be a thing again. (I know it's in Quickplay) Would it be all that hard to have an auto-mercy rule as soon as it drops 2-to-4? Even if there's like a 30-second timer for potential lag-outs or server disconnects. - I know this one might be a stretch, but maybe an auto one-hour temp ban from crucible if you leave early from Competitive? Yeah, sucks if you lag out, but there could also be an option to rejoin the match. (Within a small time window that is) These are just my few solutions, I'd love to hear the community's thoughts on this! Honestly, it's the only problem I'm experiencing in the game, everything else is amazing. - The Captain

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