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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
Edited by Guardian5437: 10/4/2017 11:04:44 PM

It's actually amazing how

many people are actually genuinely frustrated with this lazy excuse for a sequel. Cheers for the instant sparrow button and being able to fast travel to different zones so I can farm for public events for hours because hitting max light and running out of things to do in this game was reached in mere weeks.. But where's the content Bungie.. Take 2 seconds to browse the forums and see 95% of people saying the same things.. 'Oh but it took 3 years for D1 to get good? Give D2 some time!' WHY? They knew all the things wrong with that game so early on, with the forums blowing up every patch and nerf because they kept screwing the game up and never getting it right yet it took them 3 years to finally start listening to the people who invested so much time and money into their broken piece of shit game.. The people who gave them all jobs and put food on their table every night.. They just wanted to push Destiny 2 out because their cash cow was running dry. 'Why don't you go play something else then and stop whining?' WHY? I bought this game. I paid money for it. I'm a consumer. If it's not up to my expectation, I have every right to express my frustrations. Every right to voice my concerns that what I paid for was most definitely not up to scratch. Not up to the standards Bungie supposedly has.. Somewhere. 'But not everyone feels this way, I actually like the game' Browse the forums. Talk to other players. Trust me, this is such a common topic. 'The first game was so grindy though, at least this one has good drop rates' I think I speak for most players here when I say that even though the grind in the first one was shit and frustrating, it's ten times better than just being practically handed all the exotics and weapons in the first few weeks. Where's the fun in being given everything.. At least back then they all had individual identities and actually felt different and unique.. Even if some were unbalanced and broken etc.. Don't even try to give me excuses as to why we should be anything less than lenient with them. They took us for a ride in Destiny 1 only caring about the profits. Giving us an unfinished game filled with bugs then stuffing $70 DLCS into our faces and forcing us to buy them otherwise we would be locked out of most content. Giving us fkn sparrow racing when all we wanted was a fun balanced game to stand the test of time. Its been out a month and Destiny 2 is already dying. It's undeniable.. Screw the casual fan base, the 3 hour a week players. I'm not talking about them. They are ignorant. I'm talking about the people who dedicate hours a day to playing this game and have given over hundreds of dollars to this company while being spoon-fed total bullshit. The people who are tired of just logging in, doing milestones then leaving to play another game. The people who bought the game to be lost for hours in an exciting fantasy world only to spend 20 minutes playing before getting their millionth error code since launch. The people who expected this game to be leaps and bounds ahead of D1 and all its mistakes yet are only to be let down with a rehashed recycled game filled with yet again, not enough content. Where's the mystery hunts for ghosts? Where's the magical back story that had us all intrigued in the first one instead of a story that doesn't make sense? Where's the long quests for exotic weapons that you could proudly show off? Where's the achievements that kept us busy for hours? Where's the elusive unicorn weapons that got us excited and hopeful and whenever anyone got one, the party turned into a raucous frenzy? Where's the mystery? Where's the excitement? Where's the fun? Because every group I've partied up with, hasn't had anywhere near the same enthusiasm or excitement as the first game. In D2 we just want to get the quest/strike/raid done as fast as we can simply for the sake of getting it done. Not because it'd be fun. We know we will ultimately be disappointed with the drops at the end anyways. Oh, but I'm sure there will be a DLC coming out soon that'll last us all of a couple of days. Yay for that. It's just my opinion though.. Not like I matter, or they listen. ✌🏽

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  • I think this will probably just be my last reply to threads like these. I'll do my best to attempt to hit everything you touched on but no promises. The give it time argument is a valid argument. While Destiny 1 and Destiny 2 share a lot of things they are also pretty different games. Expecting all quality of life changes from Destiny 1 to be needed or even work with Destiny 2 just doesn't work. Some things like heroic strikes and strike specific loot do work. Things like record books are not needed. I personally think the whole argument is messy regardless of which side you sit on. Thus I don't like to acknowledge/debate that point. Being told to go play something else is also a valid point. Bungie has openly admitted that the never made Destiny to be a game you sign in everyday and play for hours. It was always marketed towards those who sign in a few times a week for an hour or 2 at most. Now if someone is telling you that as a response for complaints in general no. That's stupid. You do have the right to complain. That being said if your complaint is "i've nothing to do and I don't feel like just running strikes/pvp etc for the sake of playing" then yes. Being told to go play something else is valid. "browse the forums it's a common opinion." I don't see why this is even considered a valid reply to you. People are allowed to enjoy the game and not be upset like you. Also like it or not even if every single person who came to these forums and posted agreed with your opinion it's still very likely you'd be in the minority. The non vocal is almost always the majority in a community. There is no right opinion here. "The first game was so grindy though, at least this one has good drop rates' I think I speak for most players here when..." You should never ever say that. You only speak for yourself unless someone tells you that you can speak for them. Just a tip for writing threads or debating in general. Semantics aside there are plenty of us out there that haven't received everything we are looking for. I would be very curious to see drop rate comparisons for exotics in this game versus exotic drop rates in Destiny 1 after 3 of coins was dropped. I still personally get excited when I see an exotic engram drop. I also personally enjoy that exotic armor is more about aiding a playstyle rather than creating a new one. I think exotic guns should be the things that break/make new gameplay. Since it is an FPS after all. "don't even try to give me excuses.." You really need to check your attitude. If you think peoples opinions are excuses you've literally narrowed your perspective on the situation and no fruitful discussion can come from debating with you. Painting Bungie as bad also does not help your case. Destiny 1 had an identity crisis. They practically had to rewrite the game halfway in it's development life cycle and even then it still struggled to be something. Bungie scrambled to try and give us what we asked for in destiny 1 while dealing with dated dev tools and a mess of a game. "Destiny 2 is already dying.." This line just further proves to me that i'm kind of wasting my time. I really hate assuming about someone but you've posted more than one thing in this thread hinting at the behavior of a specific kind of person. The kind that just can't listen to anyone that doesn't agree with them. But i'll stop tearing on this. Destiny 2 is certainly not dying. Destiny 1 had several points in which people considered it dying or dead. Yet it stuck for 3 years and had a very active community with active content creators. Unless you can actually give stats to back this don't ever make this claim. (though the whole x game is dying thing is just a half arsed argument to begin with and should never be taken seriously.) "screw the casual players." Bungie can't. They are the people who make up the biggest part of the population. Not the hardcore players who run raids more than once a week. Not the hardcore players who stay up all night just to do reset on 3 characters. etc. On a fundimental level you should never ignore a part of your fanbase no matter how big or small. Why do you think nightfalls/raids got stepped up in terms of difficulty? for the harcore players. just as the rest of the game was made more casual for the more casual players. The rest of this tangent is ignorable. You're trying to justify one part of the community being more important than another. in a developers eyes everyone should be equally important. As a Destiny 1 vet been around since the beta of that game I just simply don't share your view. I've always wanted a game that is more RPG than FPS. I wanted D2 to be that. But we got a bigger focus on FPS. I understand why. I do have my own issues and I do think this game can be better. But I don't think it's a disaster like you think. I don't hold any malice towards Bungie. I'd rather enjoy what this game is and make suggestions on where they can improve rather than shaming Bungie. I'm just going to ignore your last bit. It's too childish to be worth even getting into.

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