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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
originally posted in: Legends Origins Chapter 10: Silas
10/4/2017 7:56:04 PM
Hours Later Zavala walked into the vanguard hall with a solemn look in his face. They had lost too many good guardians in this recent attack, it was horrible. Nevertheless, he took his place at the head of the table as they began to discuss the recent events. “I know that we have lost many, and that this attack was a major blow to the city,” he began, “but we must stay strong for our people.” He looked around at rest of the vanguard and lord Saladin. “Status report on the security of the walls,” Saladin said as Zavala finished. “All sectors seem to be clear with minor fallen strays and resistance, and all guardians from those sectors reported in,” Ikora said. “Except…” she paused for a moment, “When Shaxx led his counter assault on the wall they found sector 15 to be devoid of all life and heavily damaged.” “What do you mean?” Zavala asked. “When they got there, there were multiple dead guardians and what looked to be thousands of fallen all dead.” “So, they fought to a standstill,” Andaal Brask offered. “It would seem that way,” she shook her head as she looked at a holo tablet, “But most of the guardians didn't die normally. They were brain dead.” She finished with a solemn look on her face. “Brain dead?” Zavala asked, confounded. “While several guardians did look to die by fallen means, the rest were scanned as brain dead and unresponsive. Their ghosts were not found at the scene except for one that belonged to a warlock. It has one message on it.” She paused again “Forewarning, the guardian who recorded this message volunteered to use Future War Cults’ so called ‘device’ early after his resurrection and was never given a psychiatric evaluation afterwards. FWC also refuse to tell us what he saw.” Zavala nodded “Play it,”he said. Ikora touched a few buttons on her holo tablet and played the message. Sounds of screaming and explosions could be heard. "To anyone that hears this, be warned." The voice sounded strained and was laced with insanity. "Do not trust the angel of flame who delves into the void and fear his mistress of minds who has caused so much sorrow." The voice burst out into insane laughter. "The one has so many secrets, some not even known to him, and shall bring destruction down upon us all" The voice repeated several unintelligible words for a few seconds then started speaking again. It yelled now, with more insanity and fanaticism to make Zavala take a step back. "THE ONE WITH FOUR VOICES THAT GIVE HIM POWER, THE ONE WHO BRINGS DEATH AND AGONY. HE SHALL DESTROY US ALL!" The voice burst into more insane laughter "BEWARE THE ONE WHO SHALL BRING DARKNESS UPON US ALL. HE IS…." The voice screamed out in agony as an explosion rang out and the message turned to static and cut out. Zavala looked down to the holo tablet showing sector 15 in front of him. The top half of the wall was destroyed, a large chunk looked like it had somehow been seamlessly removed. The part that had been removed was scorched purple. Zavala didn't know what this meant, but he knew that it couldn't be good. To Be Continued

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