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Edited by Frosto7340: 10/2/2017 12:31:36 AM

Failsafe, Characters in General, and Possible Solutions

[b]Welcome Loot Lads and Crucible Junkies, I'd like to talk about Destiny 2's characters, dialogue, and some other boring nonsense that no one cares about except for myself.[/b] Well, my non-existent reader or poor sod that wandered into my incessant ramblings, you may ask me (as unlikely as it may be) "Why do you care so much about the characters? We have Cayde, he's a good character and makes funny jokes lol." And yes, Cayde may have his moments, you can't hinge all of a game's comedy/dialogue on one character. What bothers me the most about this game is the massive potential of this game's cast that was squandered upon lukewarm story and boring conversations. You look at the voice actors of this game: Nathan Fillion, Nolan North, Lance Reddick, etc. and you can't deny the talent Bungie is working with here! I don't want to cast blame upon the writers or voice actors, (or whoever else was involved in the process of writing and recording) but you cannot deny that this game could have been far better with the resources provided. So, without getting too sidetracked, let's address a few specific matters. First off, Failsafe. At base, Failsafe is a fantastic addition to the cast, her dynamic with Nolandroid of special note. She is one of those characters that I want to love so much, but some of her lines have been butchered so thoroughly, that occasionally, (specifically what I dub the "Angery Failsafe" gimmick) her lines make me cringe so intensely that I can sometimes feel my skull swallowing my face. Perhaps for the younger audience this may be funny, but of everyone I have discussed this with, they have all agreed that this tactic of humor does not "land" for them. Joy Osmanski was a good choice for a voice actress, but with the push of the before mentioned "Angery Failsafe", her performance significantly suffers. What I propose is rerecording all the dialogue in the normal voice, but with a forced positivity. Think of her discussion where ghost asks what happened to her crew and she responds "Only my captain can access those memories!" and continues with the other voice "And he's super dead." if you were to have her say that entire line with the normal voice, I believe the joke would have had far more of a punch to it. They will likely have to tweak quite a lot of the dialogue in order to rid themselves of this "shtick", but I honestly think it would be worth it. Although some may compare my idea to Claptrap from Borderlands, I think, if done right, she would have a unique enough personality that you couldn't draw those comparisons so easily (anyways, right now you can easily compare her to Ordis, so I don't think it could get any closer than that). Now, on to the other characters. I won't go in-depth with any of them, as I did Failsafe, but I would like to quickly cover all the more "serious" blokes in this game. Although this would not be as easily remedied as the Failsafe problem, I would hope that Bungie will take note of these issues in their future installments in the series. Off the top, I immediately this of my blue-domed buddy Zavala. While I do like the base of Zavala's character, I think that the opportunity of the guardian's new-found mortality was poorly executed on Zavala's part. All of the Vanguard briefly mention their struggle with this subject, but it was never really elaborated upon or mentioned beyond a few scarce moments. I believe the story should have had a greater emphasis on the guardian's strife with their new impermanence, but unfortunately that cannot be helped now. I would hope that Bungie puts more emphasis on their characters and story in the future and makes Destiny what it could be. I want to make clear that I just want to give some criticism and some helpful input. I'm certainly not a specialist in this area, but I do think this is a problem and it needs to be remedied in the future. Thank you for reading this (if anyone actually does, that is) and [b]please give me feedback and express your opinion below.[/b]

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