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originally posted in: Bring Back the RPG to Destiny!
9/30/2017 6:10:02 PM
That's exactly right. This is the reason we played Destiny for so long. I see a lot of naysayers, people who say that you'll never get what you're asking for. But I think they're extremely wrong. You will get what you're asking for, but it might not be soon. I expect the first DLC to give back most, if not all of what we lost when D2 released. There is an Exodus coming. As those of us who liked the customization and the grind begin to leave the game, D2 will become a ghost town. Bungie will add the features they took away to get us to come back. I just hope it won't be too late, I do love what this game can be, even though I hate what it is. Also, soon, Bungie will realize that their game will never be an MLG game, and they can start thinking about the players again. We will get what we want, the only question is, "When?"

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