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9/16/2017 11:10:21 AM


Hey, I'm Kinata! I've had this clan called the The Ram Tram (...PRAISE ME...) since year one. During Taken king it was also know as The STAGosaurus Rex Club. Only it was limited to about 20 close friends of mine and my raid group on Xbox One. Well, now that I've expanded my horizons and have started playing on Play Station 4 I'd really like it if The Ram Tram became an actual community filled with amazing guardians who were willing to help people with PvP or PvE! Boy, do I have of work too do! Of course, once the clan gets on its feet we as a group will decide on a new name. Also, I'm pretty new to PS4 so if you aren't interested in the clan still feel free to add me or send me a message so I can add you. [spoiler]Translation: Whats up? My names Kinata I'm from Ohio. I'm not a kid (20) also dont there's that. I have no friends on ps4 yet and are looking for some chill people to kick it with on destiny. Feel free to add me Bonus points if you have a sense of humor and don't suck either. [/spoiler]

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