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9/14/2017 2:50:43 PM
"Bungie either believes, or assumes, or tries to force the concept, that everyone playing Destiny, is a decent person"... too true! The original comment that started this thread and yours are well said and spot on for many of us, I think. I prefer running story solo, as well. I don't quite mind a team set up, if you're able to actually find a decent team of individuals who are of the same mindset and looking for the same end results. Finding people who aren't asshats, loudmouthed, overbearing, drama queens or can't hold a normal'esque conversation (be it humor, bantering or game play wise), has been few and far between in my experience. I had a brilliant, team/clan of only about 8 of us total when i was in D1, only one is playing D2 and we are basically disbanded now. Replacing that type of team gaming experience, (where we knew our parts, places, worked together and got a long well and didn't dish about life (very rarely) and laughed and ribbed and got our gaming on as a team) is not going to be easy and has me worried it may not happen this time around. Sorry for the long novel, I'm just happy to know that I'm not alone in how I play the game.

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  • That's well said. Once a team develops, some come in and some drop out. Newcomers, although welcomed with open arms, often find the team has a clique or two, and it's difficult to find fault with that - people tend to stick with who they know. Trouble is, sometimes the ones you want to stick with, want to stick with someone else. In a clan of 20, there would have to be at least half you'd rather not play with, half of the rest you can play with, and half of the rest you enjoy playing with. The ratios probably apply to all Clan numbers A common scenario with me is that we get a team of 3, go in, and off they go! The pair of them. Blowing through enemies, and if I get left behind - as happens most times - I'm left to fend off the hoards they stirred up. If I die, well, that's a bummer, mate. You can come back in 30 seconds and have another go. Anyway, that's human nature, and who can change it? Certainly not Bungei anyway. LOL.

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