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Clan Recruitment

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9/13/2017 3:23:50 PM

[Very Casual Clan] Foster Guardians

Alright im going to be honest, there are a lot bigger and more active clans to join than this one, but i thought I'd throw my hat in anyway. The Foster Guardians are recruiting for the rest of the game. Like if you see this thread a year from now and it tickles your fancy then come on in. We are a casual clan. Sometimes its hard to get online when life is kicking you in the balls. That all being said we are having a blast playing this game so if anyone wants to join us you're Welcome!!! We play a bunch of crucible and strikes. We are not raid ready, however we have had 2 full soccer matches at the farm to prepare us. At the end of the day gear is just something you wear, it has no meaning. It's all about heart and thats what we got. Also bad jokes, almost forgot about that one. Anyway i expect this to wither down to the bottom of this forum or miraculously climb to the top of the page like a majestic tiger. Lifes a mystery. If you want join up and test the guild out just respond below. No commitments either, if you aren't feeling it then you can leave obviously. Keep playing and eating those snacks!
#Clans #tigerman

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