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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by Karl Marx: 9/10/2017 7:53:25 PM

The Echo Saga || "Era Drakka" #9 || Into The Sink

[spoiler]Sorry for the long wait, school and Destiny2 delayed me. If you've forgotten what happened previously, the main page link is down below[/spoiler] ERA DRAKKA [i]Cereghetti[/i] Stepping over a large trunk, Cereghetti cursed the almost unbearable heat again. She almost wished that it was still raining, but then realized that it would make the soil one big mudpool, which would be even harder to walk through. Behind her, Lee was comparing the heat to the deserts of the Great Southern Wastelands, his mumbling barely hearable. Still, his heavy Southern accent was present. As Cereghetti pushed aside a heavy, moss-covered branch, all kinds of strange creatures tumbling off, she encountered a small stream, its unearthly green water slowly making its way through the woods. She decided to wait for the others, as William had stopped a couple of minutes before to take samples of a flower. A bloody flower! God knows why they thought he'd be useful here, in the wild. Luckily, she didn't have to wait long for her team member, and they could continue the rest of the boring journey fairly quickly. After almost a day of continuous walking, they had finally reached the signal mentioned by one of the long-range scanners. The Fireteam easily made her way through a rusted fence, avoiding the sharp barbed wire, and after a few more meters, they arrived at their destination. In front of her, the ground seemed to suddenly end, to continue going about a hundred meters lower than them. It was a small Sink, like so many others on Venus. Created during the Golden Age, these were made to avoid heavy thunderstorms by artificially lowering the terrain surrounding a city or complex. Perhaps the most famous Sink is the Ishtar one, which was ruined by one of the heaviest storms ever, bringing down the high walls and strong dikes that held back Venus' wild nature. And as the walls, along with the Ishtar academy, crumbled during the chaotic Collapse, only the name was remembered, leaving the Ishtar Sink to the jungles of Venus. This wasn't Ishtar however, Cereghetti thought, and she gestured the others to join her on the edge of this Sink. "If you guys can stop admiring the probably very interesting view, we've got a job to do" Cereghetti's amused voice made the men from her team hurry to her position, eventually crouching besides her. "Alright", Cereghetti began, a subtle commanding tone in her voice. "Echo assigned me as the designated leader of you lot, so listen to me. I've got more experience anyways" She took a deep breath before starting her short briefing. "First of all, this is a stealth mission, so please be silent and don't act like you're taking a walk in the park. According to our probably unreliable scanners, our main enemy will be the Fallen. Hopefully, they'll be disorganized as always. However, there are still some difficulties here. Due to their lack of professionalism, Fallen guards like to chat through their voice channels. It would be suspicious if that suddenly disappears, so the Syndicate has made a fake audio recording of Fallen chatter, but even that won't last. So we've got to be quick. Oh, and one final thing: don't shoot their heads" Even behind his heavy helmet, Williams non-understanding expression could be seen. "Why? That's, you know, their weak spot. It would decrease our combat efficiency by a lot. Hey, that rhymes!" Cereghetti sighed, and she saw Lee rolling with his eyes. "Do you know how much sound escaping ether makes? Because it's loud. Very loud" "It'd be like puttin' a red neon sign 'bove ya head which says that yer there. And she's the damn leader, so ya best listen to Spaghetti, got that?", Lee added. 'Spaghetti' tried to kick him in his gut, but he simply jumped a meter backwards, avoiding her completely. She then gave up, promising herself to have her revenge later, and started to descend a ladder towards the bottom of the Sink, followed by Lee. William looked hesitantly towards the old, rusted bars, but then shrugged and went along with it. About half-way through, Cereghetti suddenly stopped, surprising the Southern man above her. Pulling out a small gun, she aimed in what seemed to be in the general direction of a nearby building and fired. A long rope erupted from the short barrel, and hit the opposite wall, just under a window. Her seemingly random shot obviously wasn't, and she proceeded to attach the pistol on her own wall, creating a fifty meter-long connection between her and the building. Without second thoughts, she grabbed it and, her raven-colored hair along with herself hanging upside down, she swiftly got to the building. As she grabbed a ledge and pulled herself into the room, it took her less than three seconds before she had readied her signature CAR-15, 'clearing' the already empty room. Now focused on her job, she took a quick glance backwards, noticing the others following her on a distance. Good. Not that she would have stopped if they weren't there. CONTINUED IN COMMENTS [spoiler]More stories will be added onto the main page, which I will link here.[/spoiler]

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  • The bump

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  • Great chapter, I love how you're emphasizing how much William seems like a noob to strangers XD Just wait till he gets some action

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    6 Replies
    • Join: Eyes Of The Hydra...GETTING READY FOR GUIDED friends no problem We accept any guardian at any level any power

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    • Join: Eyes Of The Hydra...GETTING READY FOR GUIDED friends no problem We accept any guardian at any level any power

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      1 Reply
      • Join: Eyes Of The Hydra...GETTING READY FOR GUIDED friends no problem We accept any guardian at any level any power

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      • Edited by Star-Catcher1000: 9/9/2017 8:03:00 PM
        Very good! When will the chapter with the spoilers: [spoiler]Kell[/spoiler] be out? Or will that not happen for a few more episodes?

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        2 Replies
        • Your use of multiple perspectives is really doing well. I like getting a look through all your different characters' eyes. Cereghetti is awesome, and I look forward to seeing what you do with William. Bump!

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          • Cereghetti carefully ran through a long series of empty, rusted, graveyard-like rooms and halls, her feet barely making sound as they touched the old floor. Her rushed passage through the large building suddenly came to an end when she stopped at a corner. She gestured the others, only now arriving at the entrance of a hallway she just had passed through, to stop. Their heavy boots would instantly give away their presence to the Fallen guards standing in front of a closed double door. Her expert eye quickly registered all possible treats in the room. Three Vandals, carrying their usual weaponry, led by a Captain bearing Winter. Except for a lost Dreg, nothing was really abnormal here. Interestingly enough, there was a salvaged camera hanging from the ceiling. The House of Winter must think that this place was important enough to deploy valuable technology here. Inside her head, at least three ways of defeating this stupid guard post were made. Cut the power, or rather shoot the camera? Drop a flashbang, or create another distraction? For every situation there were so many options, which made her like these kind of missions so much. And she liked killing, of course. After a while she made a decision, as the others started to get impatient. She dropped a little spider-like robot on the ground, which crawled towards the vulnerable power cables. About ten seconds later, the little red light next to the camera lens died, but the lamps were still shining brightly. The small robot she had just used perfectly knew where to cut and, more importantly, where to not cut. Now that the major threat was gone, only clean-up duty was left. Cereghetti rolled a little, innocent-looking object, about the size and shape of a tennis ball, towards the Fallen, whose Captain curiously picked it up. A few moments later, a bright flash of light erupted from the little thing, which was Cereghetti's clue to jump out of cover. After the initial explosion, smoke was now coming from the grenade, creating chaos amongst the Fallen ranks. The first Vandal that noticed her lifted his Wire Rifle, but he was still blinded by the grenade and a shot from Cereghetti's CAR-15, aimed directly at a gap in his scavenged armor, killing him instantly. She continued moving through the smoke, carefully looking around her. Suddenly, she noticed the lone Dreg trying to stand up, still covering his eyes. A burst of Cereghetti's weapon made sure he never got up again. Cereghetti turned around just in time to fire a bullet at the Vandal storming, his Shock blades raised. He never got to bring them down upon her, and instead he grabbed his stomach, which was perforated by the CAR-15. Jumping over the wounded Fallen, she got to the last Vandal, standing with his back to her. A stab from her combat knife ended him, and now only the Captain was left. The smoke was finally disappearing, and the tall Fallen stood at the other side of the room. He bellowed a roar, but Cereghetti didn't care about that sort of thing and instead emptied her magazine into him. Unfortunately, the enemy's Arc Energy shield absorbed most of the damage. The Captain laughed, and started to charge towards Cereghetti. She grinned, and calmly put her CAR-15 away, replacing it with a silenced sidearm. Cereghetti's little spider-robot jumped from the ceiling, landed on the running Captain and exploded itself, disabling the Arc shield. Cereghetti raised her sidearm towards the now exposed Captain, and quickly fired five shots into his chest. The Fallen's final lunge never reached her. The room was clear. "Nice work, Cereghetti!" The sudden voice made her turn around, and she barely stopped herself from blasting William's face off. William, clearly impressed, carefully stepped out of the way. "Easy, easy! I'm just saying: nice work! Although I would've preferred to negotiate first" The final sentence was whispered, and muffled by his helmet. Cereghetti ignored him, and instead started to walk towards the heavy doors. "Slow down there, Spaghetti! What's the plan? And how do ya know that the whole damn House o' Winter ain't alerted after ya little party here?", Lee's typical voice asked. "I've activated the fake recordings, and their own frequencies are being blocked. We should be fine" That answer satisfied the large Southerner, who joined her at the door. The ancient, Golden Age security measures were no match for current decoding technology, and soon enough, the old doors slowly opened, revealing a little sign in the completely dark room, which read: [i]VAULT 107 IC107A1-Z4 EMPLOYEES ONLY[/i] TO BE CONTINUED

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