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originally posted in: Is Destiny 2 Doomed to Greatness?
9/3/2017 10:41:26 PM
Overall, I think Destiny 2 will be a commercial success. * By building it such that a player needn't have ever touched D1, they remove the possibility of someone playing D1 and being turned off from the franchise by it's flaws. * By replacing RNG stat rolls on guns with fixed stats, they remove the frustration of having to grind for that "perfect" gun, whatever a player's definition of perfect is. * By increasing the variety of things to do in PvE, and integrating lore into the game, they deliver on things PvE players having been asking for for years. * By switching to the 2-primary system and killing Supers and Grenades, they deliver to the PvP crowd that wants a more team-focused competitive environment, as in Rainbow 6, CoD, Battlefield and even Halo. However, while D2 might be a commercial success, there is no telling how many players will come back for D3. * Many PvE-focused players, like myself, are very disappointed in Bungie's refusal to separate the sandboxes and the resulting harm it's had on PvE. * Some players are frustrated at the PvP-focused tuning (2-primary, no-supers/grenades) because it's made gunfights more tedious in PvE. * I've read many comments, though they seem to be the minority, from PvP-players who are disappointed in the (effective) removal of supers and grenades, because they lose the space-magic feel they liked in matches. * Some players were turned off by nothing carrying over from D1, and might not bother with expansions, or D3, thinking they'll just get turned over again. Ultimately, Bungie's attempted to make a game for everyone and succeeded only in making a game no one really accepts all-around. Everyone's got things about this game they dont like. Bungie would be wise to decide what type of game they want, clearly articulate it, and be willing to lose the support of the ones their decision turned away. Right now though, they seem content to straddle the fence trying to appease everyone, and appeasement never works in the long run. So, long-story-short, I think D2 will succeed commercially, but enough people are put off by enough things about it that they might not come back for D3, and might actively campaign against the game. It's never in a studio's interest when their own players turn against the game they've made.

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