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originally posted in: Houston Flood Relief!
8/30/2017 11:56:23 PM
As a Louisianian, they're just being wimps. Try a Katrina and deal with that bud :p

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  • >people are dying "Wimps!" As if they can just -blam!-ing walk it off. Get out of here you nobhead.

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  • Edited by Horizon: 8/31/2017 4:22:26 PM
    People are fine in Houston, The flooding is carrying sewage though... Its also very hot..

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  • Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 8/31/2017 4:50:57 PM
    People are fine in Houston? - As the water recedes more bodies are found, at times whole families found in their vehicle together - drowned. - Whole homes destroyed all over the place (not to mention businesses and other places) and statistically 5 of every 6 homeowners in Houston do not have flood insurance so they're literally homeless now. Not sure if you're a homeowner or not but before you say anything like "well maybe they should have had the insurance", most insurance companies only cover pipe damage related flooding as opposed to natural disaster flooding. You have to go through separate hoops to get natural disaster flood insurance. - The flooding is carrying sewage I'm sure, that usually happens with flooding like this. - Houston and that whole area of TX is basically the capital of chemical and oil/gas refining in this country. Do you realize that to maintain a refinery in some cases it takes hourly maintenance. With this type of flooding, no one was maintaining anything except hope and prayers and that aint doing much (right Joel Osteen?). So now you have reports coming out that a lot of toxic fumes have been released and you literally have explosions of some of these refineries that require refrigeration but the refrigeration systems have been down for days. - Most basic resources are scarce like food/water and gas/fuel. Hell even here in Austin, almost 200 miles away we have reports of gas stations here running out of gas and now the gas price is quickly soaring. Yeah everything is fine, huh? Must be comfy from whatever couch you're armchair quarterbacking from most likely hundreds if not thousands of miles away. If you actually come at me with you being in Houston and you're spouting this, that's even worse. Maybe YOU got off lucky but a ton of people didn't. So if that's you, you can go sit in the fuqng corner with your boy Osteen and think about what a putz statement you just made.

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  • You said it bud.

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  • Also I was saying "People are fine no need to worry there is shelter" you are way to uneducated to bother to fight against me.

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  • Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 9/1/2017 1:21:38 PM
    TL;DR - I was pissed because people online are ridiculous about this situation. Also, you were replying to the asshat saying this is not a big deal, Katrina was worse and the way your original statement was worded made it sound like you agreed with him but in the end hand shake. Right. You can't express your full thought of "People are fine no need to worry there is shelter" in your original statement which would have made a difference and *I'M* the uneducated one. Sick burn on me. You got me. The bullet points I made are not fabricated but yeah, I'm totally just dumb and flailing. You're donating money, I appreciate that and so am I. What does that have to do with you somehow being smarter than me? Nothing. You're working at a food shelter, again that is good and I wish I could but I am not in Houston. I'll get there asap to help with recovery myself. Unfortunately though again, has nothing to do with you being so far superior to me in intellect. Yeah, you're not running an intellect build here guy. Butt hurt? Well, ignoring how someone so vastly superior to me in mind power would use the term "butt hurt", I can admit I have seen too many ignorant comments regarding everything in the Houston/SE TX area online. So I can admit that I came off harsh but again your original statement and what you meant to say were 2 different things. Had you actually made your intended statement I probably would not have reacted so harshly. In all seriousness though, if you are in the Houston area now, thanks for your efforts to help people and I mean that. If you and your family live there, I hope that you all made out ok. I wish no ill will on you or yours.

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  • You tend to bring things beyond reason, stop assuming i am "butthurt" If anything you typing an ESSAY to a random person on the internet to make a point. But yes I probably should have worded that differently so I dont have to deal with trolls

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  • I wasn't asking if you were butt hurt. I was saying "Butt hurt?" - as in you're saying I'm butt hurt and using that terminology while at the same time saying you're more educated than me? I didn't think I would have to actually explain that. I wasn't assuming you were butt hurt. Also, I'm not sure how anything I wrote could be considered an essay in length, especially compared to so many other posts here. Responding to you, I admit in an angry tone, with bullet points based on fact isn't exactly trolling either man, c'mon. Anyway, no more use in arguing. Hopefully I can get home to Houston to help myself here soon. Lots of positive stories among the bad ones, like Mattress Mack and what he did for example.

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  • Yep, GG good luck m8

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  • Edited by Horizon: 8/31/2017 5:11:14 PM
    I am not going to lie, that escalated way past the point of necessary needs, I am actually donating 100 dollars for Houston, Again You went way to far, is this how butt hurt people are online in 2017? Chill you cannot. *Edit the armchair part* to busy working on food shelter a-hole (death toll 30) and in 1978 CT 100 people dead 1400 people injured...(Not religious)

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  • Remember blizzard of 78? In CT?

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  • You do realize that this storm is worse than Katrina was right? You do realize that the majority of the death, suffering, and issues that happened were directly related to the general population and elected officials failure at handling the situation at hand right? Regardless of any of this though, really???? Are you seriously bragging about how bad your natural disaster was vs theirs. Do us all a favor and don't procreate.

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  • Even in a crisis, humans have to be competitive. This is why humanity is doomed.

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  • Yeah...........except........... Remember when Katrina hit and New Orleans moved into Houston and never left. New Orleans didn't "deal" with Katrina either. It took y'all 2-3 years to clean up. Texans will come together and be done cleaning within 6 months and rebuild just as quick.

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  • Y'all are Amish down there? Us Pennsylvanians got them all over the place.

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  • Muted.

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  • harvey is suppose to be worse

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  • Leave it to you to make a hurricane disaster a pissing contest.

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  • Just more space for more people, am I right?

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  • You do know that most people didnt even die from the storm itself but from the levee failures. And the levee protection system failures were completely the people's fault. Louisiana has a looooong history of electing corrupt or ineligible people in governing position. You had ray nagin back then and look at where hes at now and mitch landrieu today who doesnt know squat about the pumping station situations. The people to man the pumping stations were sent away and louisiana, like always, is worried about other stuff rather than keep their levees up to date. New orleans is in a freaking bowl for crying out loud. If harvey wouldve hit the lake charles or houston area directly and staggered there, new orleans wouldve been gone. Its people are to preoccupied and worried about whether or not to keep some stupid statues that they become to blind to even worry about what really matters like getting ready for hurricane season which was less than a month away. Fast forward 3 months and part of the city get flooded by a regular storm and its only now that people realize that the pumping stations arent where theyre suppose to be at only weeks before the most active part of the season! For katrina, houston was one of many cities that took in refugees and survivors of katrina. They integrated our children into their school systems. Its people and their organizations or churches helped feed these victims and even provided housing for many as well. Many people decided to make houston their new home. And as for new orleans, their own people -blam!-, murdered, and looted each other. Dont even get me started with the superdome and convention center fiasco. Now the shoe is on the other foot. And they need any help they can get. If your not going to help, then dont. But at least have the decency of knowing when to keep your mouth shut.

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  • A regular 500-year storm that was worse than predicted due to increased water vapor in the air and a half-foot higher sea level due to warmer average temperatures over the last several decades? This is going to be regular now?

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  • Don't forget , after the Katrina refugees settled in Houston, the crime rate went up.

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  • Happened in Austin,too. It's ridiculous.

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  • I mean...........I didn't want to be the one to say it.

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  • "Somewhere, somehow somebody Must have kicked you around some Who knows, maybe you were kidnapped Tied up, taken away and held for ransom It don't really matter to me Everybody's had to fight to be free You see you don't have to live like a refugee I said you don't have to live like a refugee" [spoiler](excerpt) "Refugee" Lyrics by Tom Petty and Mike Campbell[/spoiler]

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