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Discuss all things Destiny.
7/27/2017 11:18:21 PM

My imagination

As a destiny player and a 3 year full of hunter mischeif I grew to give my hunter a personality. I got to the point where I gave her a name and a backstory. Haylee Brynsol Class: Hunter Subclass: Gunslinger Favourite weapon: Ace Of Spades As a child, haylee watched as the darkness consumed the world she knew. She watched as the darkness took everyone she knew and loved. She survived the un-survivable.. She met a man called Cayde-6 when she was older, she soon realised he was the hunter vangaurd and soon looked up to him. Every move he did she copied and she learnt to become the best Gunslinger possible. Haylee never sided with the factions as she didn't want conflict between herself and her life. She soon gained a following, a following that made her popular.. she was soon noticed by the vangaurds. Now, she fights along side some of the most elite gaurdians known to man.. and will soon test her abilities in the next battle... So? What do you guys do for this stuff? I didn't really think of this but its cool You guys have a go, you eventually bother to get attached

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