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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by Feldspar119: 7/26/2017 3:27:43 AM

Timelines Ch35: Final.

Drake and I dove over the edge of the Tower, plummeting downward until we reached the ground. Drake used his lift ability, while I jumped in midair to slow my fall. We dropped to the ground with twin thuds, the dust swirling around our feet. "Grab your Sparrow." I told Drake. We quickly summoned our Sparrows and tore off towards the Traveler. Explosions sounded all around us, while buildings burned. The City was in flames, under attack from all sides. Fallen, Hive, Cabal, and Vex fought for dominance against guardians and the other alien races. Screams came from all directions. Skiffs dropped from orbit, smashing into Cabal Harvesters, turning into massive fireballs. Drake and I pulled into the square courtyard that sat underneath the Traveler. Lysander stood in the center of the square, his hands outstretched to either side. Siva tendrils stretched out across the square, attaching themselves to the ground and the walls. I looked around. Images began flashing in front of my eyes. [i]My sister screaming. My parents fighting desperately. Gunshots.[/i] This was where my family died. In this courtyard, as an example to other citizens. I clenched my fists, trying to shut off the flow of memories. "Welcome, Guardians!" Lysander's voice rang out. I whirled around to find him staring at us. He raised his hands towards us. Siva particles shot towards us, pinning us to the ground. "You will now witness the End." I could feel his thoughts, connected to me through the Siva connections. I could also feel Drake's thoughts. I could sense Lysander's hatred and madness, and Drake's sadness and guilt. Guilt? I pressed deeper into Drake's mind, trying to find out what he was thinking. [i]"It was here. This is when I became their executioner."[/i] Executioner? What did he mean? I pushed deeper. I saw flashes of times past, Drake's life. With deepening horror I realized what I was seeing. One image came into clearer focus. Drake stood over five bodies, holding a smoking gun. The crowd stood in a circle around him and several guards. He turned and walked away. I saw more flashes, executions upon executions. Hundreds of faces, staring with dead eyes. One face stood out in particular. Lydia. Then slowly, Drake's imposing figure came into focus behind her. In that moment, I snapped. With a roar, I tore the Siva strands away from me, Arc energy, flowing into my hands. I threw a knife into Lysander's side. He stumbled, falling to his knees. I turned to Drake. "Jaden, wait!" he yelled. But it was too late. Screaming, I launched into the air, swinging my knife in a devastating blow to his side. His armor held up, but he fell backwards. He jumped back to his feet. "Jaden, listen to me. Let me explain myself." he said as he activated his Hammer of Sol. "YOU KILLED MY SISTER!!!" I screamed as I charged. Drake swung his hammer as hard as he could. I bent backwards, allowing the hammer to swing over my head. I straightened up, and stabbed behind me. Drake grunted, as my knife penetrated his armor. "HOW DOES THAT FEEL?" I screamed, spitting wildly. Drake whirled and threw his hammer. It exploded against my chest, throwing me backwards. I lay on my side, coughing. "I'm sorry, Jaden. I didn't know I killed your family. They made me become their executioner. I left that behind a long time ago. I had no choice." Drake said. "You don't get to be sorry!" I yelled. I quickly jumped up. Drake threw another hammer, but I slid underneath it. I slashed at Drake's ankles, causing him to jump back, holding his leg. "I won't fight you Jaden. If you want to kill me, then go ahead, I deserve it." he said. His hammer vanished, and he held out his arms to either side of him. I held my knife up, still sparking with Arc. In my head I was screaming at myself. [i]"Don't do it!" "Why not? He killed your sister." "He is sorry. He didn't want to do it." "Just because he is sorry doesn't mean he gets off with no punishment." "He is your friend. You fought at his side!" "I have to do this." "Are you doing this for revenge or justice?" "Is there a difference?" "Yes there is, and you know it!" "It is my right to take his life!" "No human being has the right to take another anothers life." "This is stupid. You're just in my mind. I don't have to listen to you." "You can't shut me out." "Watch me."[/i] I finished my internal debate. I turned and raised the knife. Drake closed his eyes. The knife hovered, waiting to come down. My mind raced. Did I really want to kill him? Yes! But another voice screamed inside of me. The voice of mercy. I slowly lowered the knife, and turned away. Drake sighed in relief. And with that sigh, I went back to my childhood. I was standing in the crowd watching. I could see my father's eyes as the life faded from them. It was snowing, and his labored breaths clouded the air. His eyes found me in the crowd. He gave me one last smile, then closed his eyes. His last breath hovered in the air, and then vanished. Screaming, I spun around and plunged the knife into Drake's chest. For a moment all was silent. Drake was clearly gasping in pain, but I couldn't hear anything. All was quiet. I watched in the deafening silence as Drake fell to the ground. He slowly disintegrated into bits of electricity. With one final blow, I slashed his ghost in half. That was when sound came roaring back. Laughter. Lysander was screaming with hilarity in the ground. I dropped my knife, staring at my hands. "What have I done?" I asked. "My will." Lysander said behind me I slowly became aware of his consciousness, hovering at the edge of my mind. I realized it was he who had driven me to kill Drake. That nagging impulse in the back of my mind. I turned on him. I didn't give him time to react. I launched forward into his chest, tackling him to the ground. Immediately, a Siva pulse threw me off. Lysander clambered to his feet as I stood up. I pulled out my shotgun and fired three rounds into Lysander. The bullets slammed into a shield just shy of killing him. Lysander flung out his hands, launching the shield into my chest. I flew backwards, and crashed into the wall on the far side of the courtyard. Lysander flung his hands up and out. He began drawing Siva particles to himself. He began charging up for a devastating blast. I got to my feet but it was too late. Lysander emitted a massive blast directly upward, into the Traveler. "Nooo! Why?" I yelled in shock. "Don't you know? There is nothing left in this world for me. I don't want to live here anymore. If I'm going down, then I will take you all out with me." A massive explosion rocked the City. The Traveler shook. Suddenly, a massive Nova bomb slammed into Lysander, annihilating him. He didn't have time to raise his shield. Jedesia drifted down, glaring at Lysander's last location. She came running over to me. "Are you alright?" she asked. "I'm fine." I said. "Where's Drake?" She asked. "I didn't mean to! He made me! What have I done?" I screamed. "Calm down." Jedesia said. She could see the scorch mark where Drake had died. "You didn't know what you were doing. It's not your fault." she consoled. I wiped my eyes. "I wasn't fast enough. He's killing the Traveler." I said. Another explosion sounded, and the Traveler began falling. "I guess he was right. There isn't anything left to live for." I said. Jedesia sighed. "I only wish I could've had more time with you." "Me too." I said. Before I knew what was happening, we were kissing. I felt something in my chest. I grabbed her, and held her close. I looked deep into her eyes. "I love you." "So do I." We held each other one last time, and then the Traveler crashed down. [u]The End[/u] Epilogue [spoiler][/spoiler]

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