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7/23/2017 7:50:56 PM
"I don't care that almost everyone has the same complaints and wants the same things fixed. I enjoy the beta and you're all just sheep that blindly follow whatever streamer or YouTuber you watch. So if you don't blindly love the game then your opinions are wrong and mine is right." That's what you sound like. No one said you can't enjoy the beta, and no one said don't get the full game. But the point of a beta is to try the game and give feedback on the things we like and don't like. If a majority of people are saying roughly the same thing, then maybe it's worth looking into to? Don't get me wrong, there are changes made that I truly enjoy, and I'll probably still get the game so I can continue playing and raiding with my friends, but that doesn't change the fact that certain things simply don't work or feel out of place and should be worked on. I love this game as well, I've been playing since the D1 beta and have no intention of quitting just yet, but that's why I've given the "negative" feedback that I have. I want this game to reach its full potential. Bungie has taken a few steps forward, sure, but not all of them were in the right direction. Good or bad, we're giving feedback, and that's kind of the point of a beta.

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