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7/23/2017 3:39:54 PM
It's good but it's not great. Don't feed into the hype train. There are great positives but some of those positives also have negative effects on the game. Abilities in PvE are important. Maybe we don't need a grenade every 30 seconds or a super every few minutes but the charge times need a increase in PvE, this is plainly obvious. That portable shield charges faster than abilities. Power Ammo in PvE is rather hard to come by and will need a increase along with a increase in ammo in general. PvP is pretty good. Aside from the lame spawn rushing teams or being dropped into crap matches. Team shooting will probably get old but at the moment it's not terribly's only a week long beta. Abilities in PvP, even though they're rarely available will most likely end up on the list that the NerfTrain riders are always carrying. Except grenades, grenades are crap(lightning grenade is still awesome). Afk players are still a problem and i do hope something is done to the system to help remove them from the game. This is the beta and yes, it is nice and there is some great stuff they've shown us but they also need to do some work on areas of the game where they've some what dropped the ball on. I preordered it but I haven't decided if I'm going to follow through with it. I'm just hoping they make some positive changes that the game is probably going to need if they hope to retain and bring in as many new people as they are expecting.

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