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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
7/23/2017 2:55:14 AM

Paradox: The Dredgen Yor Journals 7

Hi, all! This is another facet of Rezyl Azzir/Dredgen Yor (gamer tag Basket34Ball) Paradox story, told from the perspective of James' rival Dredgen Yor in a series of journal entries. This only complements the series, so you won't get the full experience just reading this. This is a link to the Table of Contents: If you're ambitious, here's the first part to get you started: Hope you enjoy! __________________________________________________________________________________________ [u][b]Entry 1478[/b][/u] Hey, Shrimp. Sure, but keep it quiet, she's sleeping. We had a rough time in the Cosmodrome and needs her rest. Heh, guess I could use it too, but the view here is relaxing enough. Look at the City from here. So...peaceful. Look at her. Can you believe she's been with long? [i]20 years[/i]? Wow. I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again, I don't deserve her. Stop telling me I don't give myself enough credit. We're getting married in a couple months, after all. God, it still feels like a dream. Like any minute I'll wake up and she won't be next to me. But I know it's real. The Darkness is almost gone. Thorn doesn't poison anymore. At least, I don't think it does, haven't used it in so long. I just...I feel so happy, so good. -Mmm...Dredge? What'd you say?- Hey there. I was just talking to Shrimp. Sorry I woke you. -Everything okay?- Everything's perfect. Go back to sleep. -huuuuuAAAAAHH...Won't argue with you there...- Isn't she beautiful? She's going to be my wife, Shrimp. [i]My wife[/i]. I can hardly wait. Really shouldn't think about it, though, it's getting me too excited to go to sleep. Alright Shrimp, that's enough for now. [u][b]Entry 1500[/b][/u] [u][b]Unsolicited by subject[/b][/u] It is the day of the wedding. The whole City is caught up in the celebration because it doesn't happen often between Guardians. At least everyone stationed in the Tower has been invited. Members of Ana Bray's fireteam are serving as bridesmaids and groomsmen. Many of the Guardians in the crowd are Hunters, but Warlocks and Titans are rather balanced. The usual who's-the-better-class banter has subsided, replaced with salutations and praise. The Vanguard sat among the citizens. Some had been approached to preside over the ceremony, but they declined. Ultimately, they had approached their old friend James Stryker, now the Speaker of the Traveler's will, to administer the vows. The festivities have begun. Music plays softly in the background. Dredgen Yor stands beside the Speaker and watches the center aisle with notable anticipation. He's wearing very dark robes, similar to the kind he wore on his first date with Bray. Bray appears at the end of the aisle. She's wearing an elegant white dress, traditional style accept for the white hood attached to the veil, matching the current fashion of the City. She's holding a bouquet of roses. Traditionally, the bride's father walks her down the center aisle, but seeing as how this is nigh impossible to situate for a Guardian, Hunter Vanguard Andal Brask offered to walk her down the aisle. They step slowly and purposefully, but the Hunters break posture at the last moment. Brask shoos Bray away, while she steps hurriedly forward to stand in front of Yor. She passes the roses to a bridesmaid while she takes Yor's hands. [b]Speaker[/b]: We are gathered here today to celebrate a truly remarkable occasion. We bear witness to two Guardians, living weapons forged in Light, put aside their arms and embrace the true power of the Traveler's gift: peace. Happiness. Love. These are traits that endure through dark times only by those who have faith in them. I have known these Guardians for many years. Their faith is strong. Their Light is strong. And their love is stronger still. If no one has any reason these two should not marry, we shall continue. A child walks up the aisle, carrying a case with two rings inside. [b]Speaker[/b]: These two have asked that they be united in a very traditional manner, dating back before the Traveler's arrival. We have here a pair of rings that represent a bond to each other that they will carry with them. I hope they fit under their gauntlets. The crowd laughs as the child hands the box to the Speaker. [b]Speaker[/b]: Do you, Dredgen Yor, take Ana Bray to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until final death do you part? [b]Yor[/b]: I do. [b]Speaker[/b]: And do you, Ana Bray, take Dredgen Yor to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until final death do you part? [b]Bray[/b]: I do. Speaker: Then by the authority granted me by the Traveler, I present you with these rings. I believe they are placed on the third finger of your left hand. As Yor and Bray slide their rings onto each others hands, a teal-armored Exo with a horn-like antenna stands up. [b]Exo[/b]: KISS THE BRIDE ALREADY! The crowd erupts into laughter. Beside the Hunter, Brask is hysterical. [b]Speaker[/b]: Very well. You may kiss the bride. Yor and Bray lean in, exchanging a soft kiss. The crowd cheers, and Yor takes Bray in his arms and leans in to strengthen his kiss. The Exo emulates a whistle as Yor breaks away, taking Bray by the hips and lifting her up and swinging her around. [b]Yor[/b]: Oh my God! This is the happiest day of my LIFE! I love you, Ana Bray! [b]Bray[/b]: And I love you, Dredgen Yor! Yor lowers her to kiss again, both smiling all the while. End of entry.

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