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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 9/9/2017 5:36:15 PM

Destiny: Legend Untold, Chpt 15 Pt 4

[u]Chapter Fifteen: A Royal Request[/u] Part Four Before I could even see the Tower courtyard come into view around me from my transmat, I felt a fist sinking into my face. Caught off guard, my head snapped to the side with the impact of the blow and I fell onto my side on the concrete. "The Reef?!" Sierra's angry shout was the first thing I heard as my head stopped spinning. Eyes widening with realization, I stumbled up to my feet and turned to face her. "What in the Traveler's name were you doing at the Reef?!" she jabbed her finger against my chest accusingly. "I don't know what you're-!" she cut me off with a solid slap, not believing my denial. "Don't lie!" Sierra snapped, "We triangulated your signal while we talked on the coms!" "How?" Rush was suddenly at my side. "You!" Sierra took a swing at Rush, but I pushed him out of the way just in time to avoid it and held Sierra back with my other arm, "You didn't tell us either you little ball of useless tin metal!" John, apparently realizing Sierra was in no mood to explain, appeared just behind her and talked to us over the commotion. "It was Sally's idea," he explained, "We couldn't find you so she had us wait down in the Tower while she took Drew up into orbit and tracked the signal during the transmission." "Wow, she's good," Rush commented, trying to evade Sierra still, and I nodded in agreement. "I know right!" a voice exclaimed behind me, and I turned my head to see Drew sitting on the railing at the Tower's edge with Sally at his shoulder. Luckily, Sierra started to calm down as the focus turned to Sally and Drew, and she walked around me to stand next to Drew so it was them against me. "Tell me what happened!" Sierra commanded. "Okay, calm down," I tried to calm her, "Guardian went to Venus and we followed him there. We couldn't keep up with him, but then he went to the Reef and we tracked him again. We spoke with the Awoken and now we have to do them a couple favors for some information." "What happened on Venus?" Sierra seemed to finally be collecting herself. "We fought some Fallen and these killing machines called the Vex," Rush answered for me. This time I really didn't see the slap coming at all, even after the others. "You fought all that without even considering that you could have died out there for good?! You can't charge out there without a team and expect to survive every time!" "But I-" I tried to explain myself. "Drew and I are your fireteam, you can't just ditch us whenever you need us most!" Sierra went on right over me. I heard someone snicker behind me as Sierra took a breath for more, but before I could turn to look Sierra's gun was up and it's ring silenced the laughter, replacing it with a pained cry. "What?! You think you can't be put in your place by a woman?! Do you feel like a man now?!" Sierra shouted at whoever she had shot, apparently a man, "That's right, waddle away! Suck it up, you won't even feel it in a minute you big baby!" With a nervous gulp I decided not to anger Sierra more by taking my attention off of her. "I knew it was dangerous, that's why I didn't want you two along," I put in quickly while she was holstering her cannon, still telling only part of the truth. "Well what if you did die out there?" she retorted, "We would've felt like it was all our fault for not being with you. Why would you worry about us dying while we're all together if you're not worried about yourself dying while you're all alone? You must've thought that what you were doing wasn't dangerous." My mouth opened and closed a couple times as I tried to find a way to respond, but nothing came to me. Drew stood from his perch on the railing and placed a hand on my shoulder, "We're here for you buddy, life or death. We gotta have each other's backs out there." "Uh, thanks for the help...Drew," Sierra was just as put off as I was by Drew's sudden show of care and thought, "Anyway William, we wouldn't do something as dangerous as that without bringing you along, and we expect the same from you as our friend." Head hanging low, I sighed in defeat. "You're right," I admitted. "I know I am," Sierra responded, but there was no more sting in her words, "Now don't go trying to get yourself killed again. I can't lose you out there." "Me either," Drew nodded in agreement, "You're my main man, Will." "I won't do it again," I promised, making a note to myself not to tell them about my near-death experience alone in the Summoning Pits of the Moon, as it would only make them more suspicious about my activities. "Good," Sierra huffed, her haughty attitude returning once more. She looked me up and down, a smirk creeping across her lips, "Finally got that dress you wanted." "Oh, yes," I took the edge of my robe and held it out for display, then went on sarcastically, "I felt it really complimented my eyes and skin. But does it make my butt look big?" Sierra couldn't help but put a hand over her mouth to stop a laugh, but Drew gave me an uncomfortable look. "Will, there's nothing that could make your tiny a-" I cleared my throat loudly, interrupting and giving him a pointed look. Luckily he got the message and continued on, "Right, erm...uh, nothing could make your tiny rear end look big." "Nothing could make any of him look big," Sierra cackled, then addressed me again, "Now go on, I'm sure you have plenty to tell Zavala and Ikora about." "Right," I pressed my hand to my forehead worriedly as I remembered what I had been planning to do at the Tower before I got punched, "This is going to be a pain to explain. I need to make sure Amanda doesn't get in trouble for covering for me." "Oh Will," Drew grabbed my arm before I could wander off, "Ask Zavala if Fireteam FWC is taken while you're down there." "How many times do I have to tell you we're not naming ourselves after them?!" Sierra groaned. "We do still need a fireteam name..." I mused. Something snagged at my memory, and I thought back on what the Stranger and Awoken Queen had said to me today. "How about Fireteam Exception?" I suggested. Sierra and Drew looked at each other for a moment, then to their Ghosts and finally back to me. Recognizing that everyone had silently agreed, Rush spoke up, "That's one less thing for Zavala to nag us about." _____________________________________ William has now been to Venus and spoken with the Awoken, but there are many wild adventures ahead. Chapter 16 will be coming soon, with more jokes and action. [i]Reminder: to have your character(s) or Destiny fanfiction events appear in a Legend Untold story, send me a message or leave a comment.[/i] ^I'm going to be leaving this message everywhere, sorry for those who are sick of seeing it. Link to Ch15 Pt3: Chapter 16: Link to ToC:

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