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7/21/2017 11:32:35 PM

You think Destiny 2 is going to be greater then Destiny 1?





Uncertain. Mixed thoughts / feelings...


The Beta. It wasn't fun. The PvP aspect of the game became better thanks to the new weapon system design - now we have two primaries weapons in primay and special slots. Which is cool, I like it. And at the same time not... Every fiber in this beta I am allowed to play, has been dyed by the PvP influence. It feels like it has been tailored specifically for PvP. I am PvP player by heart ofc. But what I get burned out by crucible and want to take a quick trip playing strike? Which I did. I felt it. The emotion of being happy, wasn't there. Having fun. I couldn't. I don't remember if I read it or heard it on YouTube. But someone from Bungie said that we the community of Destiny do not have always know the solution to what's for the best for the game. Well, jeez. That's a though pill to swallow, when 95% community - no only here on Bungie net. But every forum site dedicated for this game. I think you having a though time swallowing your pill. I am not trying to throw shit at you. But I want you to see how frustrated I am and how long I have been because of your doing. It's pretty late, and I am tired. But I wanted to give a piece of my mind so it can also be seen.

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