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originally posted in:Destiny Fiction Producers
Edited by foxburton99: 7/22/2017 3:52:52 PM

Destiny: Legend Untold, Chpt 14 Pt 2

[u]Chapter Fourteen: Bread Crumbs[/u] Part Two "So how did he get authorized for Venus through the Vanguard and Amanda?" I pondered, watching the blur of light slide by outside the Aurora Lance's protective steel. "Well Amanda would probably be just as willing to let him through as you," Rush pointed out, "But he actually didn't notify anyone, he was already out patrolling whenever his destination changed, we're just lucky that his Ghost leaves his destination marked at all times." "He left a crumb for us," I mused, "So the Vanguard probably already know he's at Venus, just like we do." "There's a good chance, yes, especially seeing how I always leave your marker open as well. Two Guardians going to an off-limits destination at the same time will definitely catch their attention through all their other work," Rush explained. "So anyone can find us?!" I exclaimed. "Only Ghosts who bother to," Rush explained, "And so far I haven't caught Sally and John trying to tag us." "Unmark us please," I requested, "I don't want to risk them following us here." "But the odds are-" Rush began. "Rush," I interrupted, "Please." Rush looked at me for a moment, the bits of his shell starting to whirl about, before answering, "It's done." "Good," I looked back out into the slipping void around our ship, eyes set dead ahead in anticipation of our next venture. It was mere seconds after our discussion ended that all the light in the space around us slammed into place and a planet expanded into view before us. From here all I could see were clouds and seas of yellowish hue, but in my short time in this life I had heard the rumors of the beauty of Venus and the past grandeur of its scientific institutes. Venus was at the top of almost every Warlock's places-to-go list, but was unfortunately one of the least accessible in the inner-system. Why it was so dangerous, I did not know, but there were rumors of Guardians never coming back, or returning unstable and babbling nonsense. Not even scouts were sent to Venus nowadays, so all we knew was that this planet was occupied by the Fallen House of Winter, a faction famous for their ferocity. "Set us down," I requested. "Setting course," Rush confirmed, "Ishtar Sink, home of the Golden Age Ishtar Collective and known operating center of House Winter." • • • My boots hit ground, and by the time the flickering web of light faded from my body my gun was raised and roving across the land. Nothing stirred except for grass in the breeze and the flow of hot water that bubbled up from the ground in small pools near me. Assured that there was no threat, I lowered my gun and analyzed the landscape more closely. The liquid from the springs was untainted, and the small plants and shrubs that grew around here had a healthy appearance. Insects flitted to and fro above the ground and pools, and the clouds above allowed a substantial amount of light to shine through. Stepping off the rock, I dug my fingers into the soil, finding it to be soft and fertile. I let my helmet fade off into Rush's storage and took a breath of fresh, unfiltered air, enjoying the soft breeze. "Why do you do that?" Rush questioned me, "No one else does. There could have been a sniper just waiting to blast your face off." "My face is still on, isn't it?" I laughed at Rush's fretting, "You should know by now that I enjoy scenery much more than fighting." "Oh I know," Rush grumbled, "But that doesn't make it any less weird." "I like being different; I feel that all of our differences give more...perspective, to everything we deal with as Guardians," I went on. "So we can put our minds together to find ways to win our battles and all that," Rush mocked in his best impression of me, "You know Ghosts are all unique, just like humans; I am just as aware of the advantages of diversity as you are." "Of course you're all different. None of the other Ghosts can rush through conversation quite like you do," I teased, beginning to walk forward. "Don't make me reconsider my name," Rush responded, unamused. There was a fork in the path directly in front of where we had appeared; one leading to the left with no sign of anything but the grey stone that lined the trail, and one to the left that clearly had an increase in foliage the further down it went. What caught my eye was a City beacon planted right where the fork started. "Is that a Vanguard system?" I asked Rush, pointing at the device. "Yes, but it's been inactive for years," Rush answered, "There used to be a couple of Guardian outposts here, but we lost them and all their information shortly after they were created." "Shame," I sighed, now thinking of how I would find my way through the wilds of Venus. I closed my eyes as I had on the Moon, hoping for some sign to follow or for one of my unruly visions. It wasn't as cold or dark here as the Moon, but the fog of Darkness was still thick in the absence of Light. My Light was there, just as it always felt, piercing the black around me, but just like on the Moon I felt another trace. A slight blur that felt like it was behind me despite the lack of dimensions in this mental image...that would be where Guardian transmatted down, apparently in almost the exact spot I had. The further away the trail moved, the fainter it became to my prying mind, but not too far off the blurred and patchy residue ended with a bright spot. Even if I hadn't already known he was the only other Guardian nearby, something about how it felt let me know it was Guardian. "What the heck are you doing when you close your eyes like that?" Rush's voice broke through to me, and I opened my eyes to find myself staring at a light footprint on the ground just barely ahead and to the right of me. "Looking for bread crumbs," I answered, a small smile touching my lips. "Sometimes I wish you made sense," Rush sighed, "But seriously, you don't even think when you're like that, it's like you're sleeping or something. I recall you did the same thing on the Moon." "How do you know what I'm thinking?" I asked incredulously. "You know how we have a mental simbiosis?" Rush checked. "Yes, it's what keeps our Light linked and lets you...oh..." I trailed off, realizing Rush's point, "So you can read my thoughts?" "Not really," Rush admitted, "I only get a general idea, more emotions than anything, so most of the time I'm lost on you." "Hey, wait a come I can't read your mind?" I asked accusingly. "I don't know, maybe Ghosts are just superior," Rush hummed deviously, then vanished as I made a playful swat at him. "Superior to what? My boot?" I chuckled, then looked back to the footprint and spotted more leading down the path to the right. "A whole trail of crumbs. Sparrow please, Rush," I requested. "Not linked to any system, I can't transmat it," Rush informed me, "And for the Traveler's sake will you stop acting like an incompetent detective?!" "And this is why my boots are superior; they're more useful than you," I sighed, beginning to walk in the footsteps of my query and ignoring Rush's insult. "I still think levitation beats bipedal travel any day," Rush bragged. "You may have a point there," I laughed with him. ___________________________________ Link to Ch14 Pt1: Link to Ch14 Pt3: Link to ToC:

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